Releases: seagle0128/.emacs.d
Releases · seagle0128/.emacs.d
The last release for 27+
Bug fixes
Modern Completion
- feat: modern completion frameworks:(vertico/consult/corfu/orderless/embark)
- feat: support vertico-directory extension.
- feat: support pinyin in vertico/consult.
- feat: integrate tabspaces into consult.
- feat: display flymake errors in sideline.
- feat: add cape-yasnippet to support yasnippet in corfu.
- feat: add hl-todo-rg
- feat: integrate tabspaces into consult.
- feat: disable desktop-save-mode
- feat: add xclip
- feat: add more utils about colors
- feat: support icons in elfeed
- feat: expand macro in seperate buffer
- feat: enable bold/italic
- feat: disable autocomplete in powershell.
- feat: use link-hint instead of ace-link.
- feat: use nerd-icons-corfu instead of kind-icon.
- improve: set show-paren-contex-when-offscreen
- improve: hydras
- improve: saveplace-pdf-view.
- delete: playgrounds
- update copyright
- bug fixes and improvements.
Ivy/company with nerd icons
This is the last version to support Emacs26 and ivy/company completion frameworks.
- Support nerd icons. Use
M-x centaur-install-fonts
to install the necessary fonts. - Better ivy supports.
- Use built-in project instead of projectile.
- Use flymake instead flycheck.
- Remove comment-dwim-2.
- Support vundo in 28+.
- Play music with mingus.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
Prettify and improve stabilities
- [Feature] Prettify counsel-imenu.
- [Feature] Save and load frame parameters (size & position).
- [Feature] New Option: centaur-server.
- [Optimize] don't display icons it too many items in dired.
- [Feature] New option `centaur-icon': Display icons or not.
- [Feature] Support fullscreen while recovering frame.
- [Doc] Introduce the minimal configurations.
- [Feature] Auto select the fastest ELPA mirror at the first startup.
- [Feature] Save theme option to custom.el.
- [Feature] Auto theme: theme-switching based on daytime
- [Feature] Load random theme.
- [Feature] New option `centaur-lsp-format-on-save-ignore-modes'.
- [Enhancement] Improve forge topic list.
- [Feature] Better yasnippet integration in company.
- [Enhancement] Improve icons in dired, ibuffer, ivy and treemacs.
- Add org-roam.
- Bug fixes and other improvements.
Improve compatibilities
- Beautify org bullets.
- Fix #119: Invalid face in terminal.
- [Enhancement] Update packages asynchronously.
- Fix #122: Prolog interactive mode not displaying correctly.
- [Performace] Disable highlight-indent-guides.
- Improve hydras.
- Redefine
for some modes. - User
instead ofansi-term
. - Disable "git-grep(1)" Popup Browser Tab on Windows.
- Add
. - Add misc functions.
- Prettify
. - Improve RSS reader.
- Toggle
with the current input. - Misc improvements.
Pretty hydras
- Pretty hydras.
- Bind "C-r" to
. - Enhance
. - [Optimize] Fix sluggish issue while editing with company.
- Use xterm-color instead of ansi-color.
- Update FAQ according to #98, #99.
- [Simplify] Use built-in colorful
theme. - [Compatibility] Define caadr if it's not defined.
- [Refactor] Use new style advice instead of defadvice.
- Add
: instant GitHub-flavored markdown/org preview. - Support cvs format.
- Misc improvements and bug fixes.
Use Microsoft Python Language Server
- Use Microsoft Python Language Server (
) by default. - Preview line when executing
command. - Fix #88: text moving around whenever using brackets in
. - Fix #87:
is obsolete. Use default values ofivy-format-functions-alist
. - Add: remove-hook-at-point.
- Fix: The buffer isn't refreshed after some operations due to the TAB.
- Fix: Poor performance with tramp in dired.
- Disable indentation guides.
- Optimize dashboard, dired and ivy/counsel.
- Support
. - Set
to 100 by default. - Remove colorful icons from
. - Remove
. - Misc improvements.
Better UI with icons
- Integrate icons into ivy, dired, ibuffer, company, treemacs and dashboard.
- Prettify dashboard.
- Prettify hydras.
- Support docker.
- Support ranger.
- Add typescript-mode.
- New functions: save-buffer-gbk-as-utf8, reload-init-file.
- Use prettier-js instead of web-beautify.
- Other improvements and bug fixing.
New logo and VSCode style icons in company
- New logo for both GUI and terminal.
- Support Debug Adapter Protocol:
. - Improve
to be similar as vscode style. - Integrate
. pdf-tools
reopens to last-viewed page.- Install all-the-icons fonts on GUI automatically.
- Address blank screen issue with child-frame in fullscreen.
- Other improvements.
Add Dockerfile
- Add Dockerfile.
- Support
. - Support calendar framework:
. - Add
and beautify the icons. - Add
on 26+. - Beautify ivy.
- Disable highlight-indent-guides-mode in 27.
- Support forge on Windows.
- Remove unkillable-scratch.
- Display errors via lsp-ui if possible.
- Misc improvements and bug fixes.