Gaussian word embeddings
Python/Cython implementation of Luke Vilnis and Andrew McCallum Word Representations via Gaussian Embedding, ICLR 2015 that represents each word as a multivariate Gaussian. Scales to (relatively) large corpora using Cython extensions and threading with asynchronous stochastic gradient descent (Adagrad).
Install the dependencies: numpy, scipy, the packages in
The Travis CI provisioning script installs these
and may be useful as a starting point. -
:sudo make install
Finally it's a good idea to run the test suite:
make test
NOTE: The performance sensitive parts of the code have been carefully written in a way that allows gcc to auto-vectorize all the important loops. Accordingly we recommend using gcc to compile and setting these flags for building:
export CFLAGS="-ftree-vectorizer-verbose=2 -O3 -ffast-math"
sudo -E bash -c "make install"
If you are using a Mac, gcc compiled code runs approximately 2.5X faster than the default clang compiler. You can force the build to use gcc instead of clang with:
# change these to the location of gcc -- note that /usr/bin/gcc is really
# clang in a default XCode installation
export CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc
export CXX=/usr/local/bin/g++
export CFLAGS="-ftree-vectorizer-verbose=2 -O3 -ffast-math"
sudo -E bash -c "make install"
The GaussianEmbedding
class is the main workhorse for most tasks. It
stores the model data, deals with serialization to/from files and
learns the parameters. To allow embedding of non-word types like
hierarchies and entailment relations, GaussianEmbedding
no knowledge of any vocabulary and operates only on
unique IDs. Each ID is a uint32
from 0 .. N-1
with -1
an OOV token.
For learning word embeddings, the token - id mapping is off-loaded to
a Vocabulary
class. This class bundles together a string tokenizer,
a token - id map, and a random token id generator (used for the negative
sampling in training, see below). This allows us to
translate streams of documents into training examples.
The class needs this interface:
.word2id: given a token, return the id or raise KeyError if not in the vocab
.id2word: given a token id, return the token or raise IndexError if invalid
.tokenize: given a string, tokenize it using the tokenizer and then
remove all OOV tokens
.tokenize_ids: given a string, tokenize and return the token ids
.random_ids: given an integer, return a numpy array of random token ids
There is a simple implementation of a vocabulary class
) that uses a simple uniform random from
the token_id
space for the negative samples.
Alternatively, you can use
that uses
a sample based on the token counts, or provide your own implementation.
To learn embeddings, you will need a suitable corpus and an implementation of the vocab class.
import logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
from gzip import GzipFile
from word2gauss import GaussianEmbedding, iter_pairs
from vocab import Vocabulary
# load the vocabulary
vocab = Vocabulary(...)
# create the embedding to train
# use 100 dimensional spherical Gaussian with KL-divergence as energy function
embed = GaussianEmbedding(len(vocab), 100,
covariance_type='spherical', energy_type='KL')
# open the corpus and train with 8 threads
# the corpus is just an iterator of documents, here a new line separated
# gzip file for example
with GzipFile('location_of_corpus', 'r') as corpus:
embed.train(iter_pairs(corpus, vocab), n_workers=8)
# save the model for later'model_file_location', vocab=vocab.id2word, full=True)
from word2gauss import GaussianEmbedding
from vocab import Vocabulary
# load in a previously trained model and the vocab
vocab = Vocabulary(...)
embed = GaussianEmbedding.load('model_file_location')
# find nearest neighbors to 'rock'
embed.nearest_neighbors('rock', vocab=vocab)
# find nearest neighbors to 'rock' sorted by covariance
embed.nearest_neighbors('rock', num=100, vocab=vocab, sort_order='sigma')
# solve king + woman - man = ??
embed.nearest_neighbors([['king', 'woman'], ['man']], num=10, vocab=vocab)
Instead of representing a word as a vector as in word2vec
, word2gauss
represents each word as a multivariate Gaussian. Assuming some dictionary
of known tokens w[i], i = 0 .. N-1
, each word is represented as
a probability P[i]
, a K
dimensional Gaussian parameterized by
P[i] ~ N(x; mu[i], Sigma[i])
Here, mu[i]
and Sigma[i]
are the mean and co-variance matrix
for word i
. The mean is a vector of length K
and in the most general
case Sigma[i]
is a (K, K)
matrix. The paper makes one of two
approximations to simplify Sigma[i]
- 'diagonal' in which case
is a vector lengthK
- 'spherical' in which case
is a single float
To learn the probabilities, first define an energy function
E(P[i], P[j])
that returns a similarity like measure of the two
probabilities. Both the symmetric Expected Likelihood Inner Product
and asymmetric KL-divergence are implemented.
Given a pair of "positive" and "negative" indices,
define Delta E = E(P[posi], P[posj]) - E(P[negi], P[negj])
Intuitively the training process optimizes the parameters
to make Delta E
positive. Formally, use a max-margin loss:
loss = max(0, Closs - Delta E)
and optimize the parameters to minimize the sum of the loss over the entire training set of positive/negative pairs.
To generate the training pairs, use co-occuring words as the positive examples and randomly sampled words as the negative examples. Since the energy function is potentially asymmetric, for each co-occuring word pair randomly sample both the left and right tokens for negative examples. In addition, we allow the option to generate several sets of training pairs from each word. In pseudo-code:
for sentence in corpus:
for i in len(sentence):
for k in 1..window_size:
for nsample in 1..number_of_samples_per_word:
positive pair = (left, right) = (sentence[i], sentence[i + k])
negative pairs = [(left, random ID), (random ID, right)]
update model weights