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Delivery to fulfil all work packages of the New America Foundation (Open Technology Institute) contract dated 14 September 2012:

  1. OpenBTS integration testing and remedial work
  2. Documentation of Serval DNA and integration with Commotion
  3. Attendance at trial deployment
  4. Serval DNA logging and field diagnosis
  5. Resolution of pending NaCl issues
  6. Road map for futur…

Delivery to fulfil all work packages of the New America Foundation (Open Technology Institute) contract dated 14 September 2012:

  1. OpenBTS integration testing and remedial work
  2. Documentation of Serval DNA and integration with Commotion
  3. Attendance at trial deployment
  4. Serval DNA logging and field diagnosis
  5. Resolution of pending NaCl issues
  6. Road map for future development