Linkedin Tools (and maybe later other source) to reconstruct a company hierarchy from scraping relations and jobs title.
- crawl : Crawl employees specific to a company
- analyse : Perform analysis on collected data.
- build : Build organisational chart of the company.
First, make sure you have xdfb and openjdk-11-jre installed :
sudo apt-get install xvfb openjdk-11-jre
If you don't have openjdk-11-jre
for your system with a package manager, just download it manually from AdoptOpenJDK:
sudo tar -xvf OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_11.0.7_10.tar.gz -C /usr/
# and add java to your path
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/jdk:/usr/jdk/bin:/usr/jdk/lib/:/usr/jdk/jre:/usr/jdk/jre/bin/:/usr/jdk/jre/lib/" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Then if you don't have it, download firefox
sudo apt install firefox
ReconArchy need golang if you want to install it with go. If go is not install on your system refer to golang documentation to install it. Then go to Installation with golang
Golang need Geckodriver (the WebDriver for firefox) and a selenium server.
So download the last version of Selenium Server (Grid)
mv selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar selenium-server-standalone
And the last version of Geckodriver for your architecture.
To install recon-archy
just run :
go get
Next we need to install the dependencies :
- The Selenium server
- And the Geckodriver.
Fortunatly the tebeka/selenium (which is a internal dependencies of recon-archy
) provide everything for us :
cd $GOPATH/pkg/mod/[email protected]/vendor/
go run init.go --alsologtostderr --download_browsers --download_latest
That's it, you're good to go to usage
Precompiled binaries will be available with the first stable version in the release section.
Assuming your environnement is well configured (GOPATH, GOROOT...):
git clone
cd recon-archy
go build
go install
First you need to start as many server as worker you want. Notes: The number of workers is limited to 4 for the time being. So at max launch 4 standalone server if you want to work with 4 worker. This part will be automated in the future
# launch 4 standalone servers
./init-server 4
Next add your linkedin credential in .creds
(interactive mode will be added in the future)
And then launch ReconArchy (With the previous example, here you will use 4 Workers/Threads)
recon-archy crawl -t <WORKERS> -c <COMPANY>
For example :
recon-archy crawl -t 4 -c redhat
You can use help menu on command and subcommand for more information. But for now there is not much to cover.
$ recon-archy --help
ReconArchy - Crawl 1000 employees of a choosen company and build their organizational chart
recon-archy [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
crawl crawl employees specific to a company
analyse Perform analysis on collected data.
build Build organisational chart of the company
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help (default: false)
$ recon-archy crawl --help
recon-archy crawl - crawl employees specific to a company
recon-archy crawl [command options] [arguments...]
--threads value, -t value Adjust number of crawling worker (default: "1")
--company value, -c value Name of the target company
--help, -h show help (default: false)
Crawl result can be retrieve in /data/