Releases: shadps4-emu/shadPS4
Full Changelog: v.0.6.0...5691046
shadps4 v0.6.0 - codename parapoly
A new release first of this year. A lot of things has been improved since last release , making a lot of new games playable and some others has interesting progress . Below is a short list of what's changed
Improved Devtools
Improvements in shader recompiler
Added sceGnmGetEqEventType/sceKernelGetEventData
Improvements to audio backend (SDL)
Improved HLE fibers library
Motion Controls implementation
Improvements to savedata
Unmap Fixes
Implemented sceNpCmp functions
GUI: Speed up GUI loading by caching game sizes
sceKernelAio* implementation
Fixes to several Surface Formats
Fix for address_space initialization on Windows
sceKernelVirtualQuery Fixes
Added ability to change save data path
libraries: Implement libSceZlib
Several translations update
Don't forget it is time to update our compatibility list on :
Full Changelog: v.0.5.0...v.0.6.0
shadps4 v0.5.0 - codename squidwars
Hohoho Merry Christmas to everyone and a brand need release . There are so many new things here , i will just try to catch up the most important ;)
- Ajm support
- Videodec implementation
- Fix border color
- Rewrite pthread emulation
- Port libpngdec to libpng
- Texture cache improvements
- Some GUI fixes & improvements
- Libraries cleanup
- Fixes for cmake
- Many fixes for Unity games
- Vulkan 1.4 support
- Shader editing
- Tesselation
- GPU processor refactoring
- More Fixes for Separate Update
- Splash fixes
- Gamma correction
Full Changelog: v.0.4.0...v.0.5.0
shadps4 v0.4.0 - codename divicius
What's Changed
- shader recompiler fixes
- Emulated support for cpus that doesn't have SSE4.2a (intel cpus)
- Frame graph + Precise 60 fps timing
- Save data: fix nullptr & concurrent file write
- Auto Update
- Error dialog implementation
- Swapchain recreation and window resizing
- Add playback of background/title music in game list
- kernel: Quiet sceKernelWaitEventFlag error log on timeout
- Improve keyboard navigation in game list
- core/memory: Pooled memory implementation
- Fix PKG loading
- replace trophy xml assert with error
- Refactor audio handling with range checks, buffer threshold, and lock
- audio_core: Fix return value types and shift some error handling to library
- Devtools: PM4 Explorer
- Initial support of Geometry shaders
- Working touchpad support
- net: Stub sceNetErrnoLoc
- Add support to click touchpad using back button on non PS4/5 controllers
- Multiple Install Folders
- Using a more standard data directory for linux
- video_core: Implement sceGnmInsertPushColorMarker
- ime_dialog: Initial implementation
- Network libs fixes
- Use GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime to fix fps timing issues
- Added adaptive mutex initializer
- Small Np + trophy fixes
- Separate Updates from Game Folder
- Minor Fixes for Separate Update Folder
- AvPlayer: Do not align w/h to 16 with vdec2
- Improve sceSystemServiceReceiveEvent stub
- renderer_vulkan: Commize and adjust buffer bindings
- Add poll interval to libScePad
- Add more surface format mappings.
- vulkan: Report only missing format feature flags.
- IME implementation
- Videodec2 implementation
- path_util: Make sure macOS has current directory set and clean up path code.
- Load LLE modules from sys_modules/GAMEID folder
Full Changelog: v.0.3.0...v.0.4.0
shadps4 v0.3.0 codename broamic
Hey there ,shadPS4 v0.3.0 is finally here!
We have some exciting new features to share with you:
- Cheat/Patching support
- DLC support
- New translations support (26 languages)
- Support for unlocking trophies
- Support for more controllers (Dualshock and Xbox)
- Many GUI imporovements
- AVplayer
- And much more!
The emulator can boot notable games with support for visual upgrades.
Beware! As a result of the new changes, old save files may no longer be compatible. So if you value your current progress, please follow this guide before updating:
Lastly, for those of you who'd like to donate to the project, we now have a Kofi page!
Any donations received will go towards acquiring necessary hardware and games for testing as well as needed infrastructure setup.
As always feel free to update compatibility list with new 0.3.0 findings at
shadps4 v0.2.0 codename validptr
An Excitement new release of shadps4 . A lot of new games working (No bloodborne yet! but we are getting closer).
Mostly here are the most noticable changes since last version
- Adding macOS support
- Big shader recompiler improvements
- Core improvements
- GUI improvements
You can get full changelog here:
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...v.0.2.0
So now go ahead and post your reports at :
shadps4 v0.1.0 codename madturtle
An excited new shadps4 release , The changes since last release are probably too much to detail them so let's do a small resume
- Added a shader recompiler , With this we have a lot of games that starts to work
- Rewrote a big part of core
-A full changelog can been seen below
Full Changelog: v0.0.3...0.1.0
We also have a compatibility list now at :
shadps4 v0.0.3 codename salad
A new release for shadps4 , the date is not decided by luck is 21 years after first pcsx2 release , (23 march 2002 ) and by accident mine (shadow) birthday.
The most important features of this release is linux support and running of few OpenOrbis demos (helloword , graphics , pngdec , sound)
A more detailed list above :
-Switching to std::thread
-Use unique_ptr where possible
-Replace printf/scanf with type safe fmt
-Implemented sceKernelGetProcessTime
-Implemented sceKernelGetProcessTimeCounter , sceKernelGetProcessTimeCounterFrequency
-Pause emu with P button
-Timers rewrote with std::chrono
-Added sceSystemServiceGetStatus
-Initial FileSystem implementation
-Initial TLS work
-New logging implementation
-Some functions implemented for userService,systemService
-Added sceAudioOut module and output using sdl audio
shadps4 1 year anniversary edition - v0.0.2
Anniversary edition of shadps4 (1 year since first commit)
Some new homebrew working , check shadps4 site.
Complete changelog
-using cstdint header in variable types
-run_main_entry: Rewrite in asm for stack setup
-printf libc implementation for work with sysv_abi
-initial pad emulation (only digital pad atm)
-Implemented sceVideoOutIsFlipPending
-Added auto stubs , now unsupported hle function will resolve as empty stubs
-Rewrote libc_cxa functions
-Libc implementations ( _ZdlPv,_Znwm,rand,_Fsin,qsort,free,strncpy,memmove,atan2f,pow,_Sin)
-ET_SCE_DYNAMIC behaves as valid for execution now.
-Initial FileSystem work (not yet usable).
shadps4 First release - v0.0.1
First release.
Only playable is videoout_basic demo