CPU Usage: X%
Memory Usage: X%
Local: PyBLOCK
Node: XxXxXxX
Block: XxXxXxX
Version: X.x.X
B. Bitcoin Core
L. Lightning Network
P. Platforms
S. Settings
X. Donate
Q. Exit
Select option:
βπͺπΉππβπ ππ₯π€ π πΉππ₯ππ ππ π»ππ€πππ ππ£π π¨ππ₯π βπͺπ‘πππ£π‘π¦ππ πππ€π₯πππ₯ππ.
- This will fully work on a Node that has Bitcoin Core and LND installed.
- We fully tested and worked perfect on MyNodeBTC
- We fully tested and worked perfect on RaspiBlitz
- We fully tested and worked perfect on BitcoinMachines
- We fully tested and worked perfect on Umbrel
You will need to find the path of the files tls.cert and admin.macaroon to do the REST connection to have access to LND.
Poetry is needed to ensure every user has the same python dependencies installed.
Open the Terminal.
-- Easy mode:
- a@A:~> sudo apt install hexyl
- a@A:~> pip3 install pybitblock
- a@A:~> pyblock
-- Manual mode:
- a@A:~> sudo apt install hexyl
- a@A:~> pip3 install poetry
- a@A:~> git clone https://github.com/curly60e/pyblock.git
- a@A:~> cd pyblock
- a@A:~> poetry install
- a@A:~> cd pybitblock
- a@A:~> poetry run python3 PyBlock.py
-- Upgrade:
- a@A:~> pip3 install pybitblock -U
- a@A:~> pyblock
- This is how we continue.
- It will ask you for the IP:PORT (REST PORT) in this case use: localhost instead of the IP.
- Then it will ask you for the path to the tls.cert.
- Then it will ask you for the path to the admin.macaroon.
- Then it will ask you for the path to bitcoin-cli or if you have already installed just put: bitcoin-cli.
- And you are in.
- You will need to have tls.cert and admin.macaroon already downloaded from your LND node.
- Poetry is needed to ensure every user has the same python dependencies installed.
Open the Terminal
-- Easy mode:
- a@A:~> sudo apt install hexyl
- a@A:~> pip3 install pybitblock
- a@A:~> pyblock
-- Manual mode:
- a@A:~> sudo apt install hexyl
- a@A:~> pip3 install poetry
- a@A:~> git clone https://github.com/curly60e/pyblock.git
- a@A:~> cd pyblock
- a@A:~> poetry install
- a@A:~> cd pybitblock
- a@A:~> poetry run python3 PyBlock.py
-- Upgrade:
- a@A:~> pip3 install pybitblock -U
- a@A:~> pyblock
- This is how we continue.
- It will ask you for the IP:PORT (REST PORT).
- Then it will ask you for the path to the tls.cert.
- Then it will ask you for the path to the admin.macaroon.
- Then it will ask you for the path to bitcoin-cli or if you have already installed just put: bitcoin-cli.
- And you are in.
- Install Curl on Debian based type:
- sudo apt install curl
- python3 PyBlock.py
First check out or unzip the code to a directory, cd to that directory, and from there type the following commands: (Make sure Docker desktop is running in the background "sudo service docker start".)
- docker build -t pyblock .
Run it using
- docker run -p 6969:6969 -it pyblock
Then open http://localhost:6969 with a browser, you will get the PyBLOCK Docker App.
Credentials: "Running:PyBLOCK" ("User:Pass")
@Curly60e. β‘οΈ [email protected]
@SN. β‘οΈ [email protected]
@SamouraiDev, @Korynewton, @Tippin_Me, @TallyCoinApp, @DJBooth007, @MemPool, @CoinGecko, @Igor_Chubin, @Shesek, @LNBits, @LNPAYco, @OpenNodeCo, @BlockStream, @Gwidion, @AlphaaZeta, @Hampus_S, @Mutatrum, @RoboHash, @C_Otto83, @BashCo_, @JamesOb, @BenTheCarman, @Whale_Alert, @BitcoinExplorer, @JanoSide, @LNstats, @Slush_Pool, @Braiins_Systems, @CKPoolDev, @KanoBTC, @JohnCantrell97, @JoostJgr, @PRguitarman, @NyanCat, @Mononautical, @Janna3257, @Cercatrova_21, @ChaumDotCom, @CashuBTC, @CalleBTC, @0xB10C, @BitRawr, @Vishalxl, @Odudex, @PyPi, ...
- Install the app "Scriptable" -> Apple Appstore - Scriptable
- Open the app and click the "+" sign on the top right corner.
- Copy or Download the following script created by PyBLOCK:
- Paste or Open in Scriptable.
- Run the script.
- Click and done.
- Go to the homescreen, press and hold for a few seconds to make the icons move. Tab on the top left corner the "+" symbol.
- Scroll down untill you find the "Scriptable" App. Select it and scroll to the right for the full sized version.
- Click "Add Widget" and tab the new created widget to edit it. Select the created script and you're done.
Are you a Bitcoin Miner?
Note that if you do not find a Block, you get no reward at all with Solo Mining.
0.4 % goes to PyBLΓCK to operate the Pool.
β‘οΈ [email protected] β‘οΈ
Bitcoin Address: bc1prwjajvvax2rkm2wzelpfzzc2ncywht69pswnurhzdfj9qujhyxzsqpd3eg
Samourai Wallet Paynym: PM8TJhNTTq3YVocXuPtLjKx7pKkdUxqwTerWJ2j2a7dNitgyMmBPN6gK61yE17N2vgvQvKYokXktt6D6GZFTmocvDJhaUJfHt7ehEMmthjsT3NQHseFM
Monero: 42jtb4dAfm6BQ8h6x56qGyAMMHVXGRwRMTSb2LwsBg1jVqD4TxfpD1pTK56tkrTMGhEKipZdDHfJrB1g8iQfvSyC7gZ9M8M
PyBLΓCK Nostr Pulic Channel