mqttcli is an MQTT 3.1.1 Client which has almost same options with mosquitto_pub/sub. However, it has additional functionality and a pubsub command which is suite for the shell script pipelining.
Download from here. Please choose your artitecture. (and chmod ugo+x if needed)
curl | sh
Or if you have golang environment, type this to build on your host.
go get
You can set host, port, username and password on the Environment variables.
export MQTT_HOST="localhost" export MQTT_PORT="1883" export MQTT_USERNAME="user" export MQTT_PASSWORD="blahblah"
or using a config file. You can specify a config file by --conf
option. or automatically load from ~/.mqttcli.cfg
% mqttcli sub --conf yoursettings.json -t "some/topic"
{ "host": "localhost", "port": 1883, "username": "user", "password": "blahblah" }
If you use AWS IoT, you can use these JSON as mqttcli config file, such as
{ "host": "", "port": 8883, "clientId": "something", "thingName": "something", "caCert": "path/to/root-CA.crt", "clientCert": "path/to/2a338xx2xxf-certificate.pem.crt", "privateKey": "path/to/aad380efffx-private.pem.key" }
You may change cert files path to where you placed.
mqttcli pub -t "some/where" -m "your message" or tail -f /var/log/nginx.log | mqttcli pub -t "some/where" -s
-s is diffrent from mosquitto_pub, it sends one line to one message.
mqttcli sub -t "some/#"
Note: This subcommand is just a concept work. Might be delete in the future.
Publish from stdin AND Subscribe from some topics and print stdout.
tail -f /vag/log/nginx.log | mqttcli pubsub --pub "some/a" --sub "some/#" > filterd.log
This is useful when other client manuplate something and send back to the topic.
- paho.mqtt.golang.git
Eclipse Public License - v 1.0 (same as Paho's)