The NerdQAxe++ is almost the same as the NerdQAxe+ but with this differences:
- 4 x BM1370

- 4.8TH/s average at ~76W (~15.8J/TH)
rev5.0 Good to go, no bug found 🥳🚀
NerdQaxe+ is a Qaxe+ with Nerdminer / Nerdaxe Display and is running the BitAxe Firmware as its core.
It runs standalone without Raspberry Pi and uses 4 ASICs of type BM1368.

- uses the NerdAxe / NerdMiner display
- better Buck converter that runs a lot cooler (about 10°C) with oltage / current / power monitoring
- standalone, no Raspberry Pi or other PC needed
- AxeOS with improvements and enhancements
- Influx DB support
- Better charting (10m, 1h, 1d), data doesn't get lost on Web UI reloads
- ASIC clock and voltage adjustable without reboot
- Stratum client stability improvements (TCP timeouts)
The NerdQAxe+ runs with a variant of the AxeOS firmware: https://github.com/shufps/ESP-Miner-NerdQAxePlus
rev5.0 Good to go, no bug found 🥳🚀
QAxe+ is a quad-BM1368 Variant. Mining speed is average 2.4TH/s at 55W (measured at 230V)

rev4: QAxe+ with BM1368, working but ASIC reset behaves weird sometimes. Measured performance is 2.4TH/s average with 55W (measured on 230V)
rev4.1: only change is 3 pull-down resistors on NRSTI pins
Qaxe is a quad-BM1366 Miner based on the PiAxe and BitAxe.
rev1: is tested and operating at about 1.7TH/s average speed.
rev2: working fine with the expected speed of ~1.8TH/s avg after some minor modifications (330µF caps are wrongly placed, see rev3)
rev3: Fixed Caps placement and added Boot-Switch. It should put the STM32 into DFU bootloader but not tested yet.
rev3.1: Added pulldown on PB2 that is needed for booting the USB bootloader
rev3.2: Board got 3mm larger for a perfect fit of low-profile coolers
note: If you have a board with BOOT
-button (any rev3) please order the L072 STM32 (BOM has been updated) because usb bootloader is the easiest way to flash the STM.
The QAxe uses 4 ASICs of type BM1366.
The QAxe+ and NerdQaxe+ uses 4 ASICs of type BM1368.
There is a wonderfull Docker based single-script compilation and flash tool for the QAxe Firmware:
# install curl
sudo apt install curl
# install rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
# add to ~/.bash.rc (afterwards, opening a new terminal is needed)
echo 'source "$HOME/.cargo/env"' >> ~/.bashrc
# clone repository
git clone https://github.com/shufps/qaxe
# clone submodules
cd qaxe
git submodule init
git submodule update
# add rust target for STM32L0 variants
rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi
# or add rust target for STM32L1 variants
#rustup target add thumbv7m-none-eabi
# build firmware for L072
cd firmware/fw-L072CB
The STM32L072CB variant has an integrated DFU Bootloader that starts when pressing the BOOT
button during reset.
Afterwards the firmware can be flashed via dfu-utils
# install cargo-binutils and llvm tools
cargo install cargo-binutils
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
# create the firmware.bin
DEFMT_LOG=info cargo objcopy --release --bin qaxe -- -O binary qaxe.bin
# install dfu-utils
sudo apt-get install dfu-util
now start the stm32 in DFU mode by pressing `boot` (only works with the STM32L072CB variant)
# after booting, list the devices
dfu-util --list
# flash the binary
dfu-util -a 0 -s 0x08000000:leave -D qaxe.bin
Stratum Mining Client:
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