Omni 0.46.0 (2025-01-28)
Welcome to the v0.46.0 release of Omni!
Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at
Bare Metal Infra Provider Support
Omni now supports bare metal infra provider.
This provider operates as a standalone service that can be deployed within a bare-metal datacenter network.
It manages machines via IPMI, supports PXE-based booting, and enables machine resets without relying on the Talos API.
Its functionality closely resembles that of Sidero Metal.
For detailed setup instructions, refer to the documentation..
Machine Categories
The Machines page now categorizes machines based on how they were added to the account:
- Manual: Machines manually added by installing Talos with siderolink parameters.
- Provisioned: Machines created by infrastructure providers (e.g., KubeVirt).
- PXE-Booted: Machines discovered and accepted from the bare-metal infrastructure provider.
- Pending: Machines discovered but not yet accepted from the bare-metal infrastructure provider.
- Utku Ozdemir
- Artem Chernyshev
- Andrey Smirnov
- Dmitriy Matrenichev
- Noel Georgi
- Joakim Nohlgård
- Nico Berlee
35 commits
release(v0.46.0): prepare releasee2e5f08
chore: migrate uncompressed resources datafd888ab
refactor: track infra machine install status via a counterc6b7dd3
test: extract static infra provider machine accept tests into hooks8db0e8d
test: fixreadyToUse
flag assertions in static infra provider tests4a436b4
fix: correctly handle conflict error in machine status handler6e910e1
fix: update COSI runtime to fix watch retry errors2fcfc82
release(v0.46.0-beta.0): prepare releaseafc9dcf
feat: introduce resource for infra provider health checks096f14f
feat: calculate not accepted machines count in the machine status ctrl1495ca0
feat: implement power states as machine stage events2a2c648
feat: bump default Talos version to 1.9.1, Kubernetes to 1.32.05db4c8c
feat: add disk wipe warning when accepting a pending machine9208587
chore: bump Go, dependencies, rekres, regenerate84c01fd
fix: properly resetMachineStatus
hostname for deallocated machinesd5e1f85
fix: do not allow using static infra providers in the machine classesd1b3dff
fix: fix immutability checks in infra provider state353a3c0
fix: change the look of the infra provider labels7052e8b
fix: enable secure boot checkbox in the UI394065f
feat: implement cordoning infra machines728897a
fix: wait for infra machine info to be collected before powering off1c4f9af
feat: implement infra machine rebootedc47a0
feat: sync infra machine labels onto the machine status6f10a97
fix: fallback to machine ID correctly if its hostname is missing3ba096a
fix: bring in new versions of COSI runtime and state-etcd82da2f4
fix: never remove etcd members which ID is discovered at least once3dd7e93
fix: display nodes sidebar06aa266
fix: etcd lease handlining34dd2ae
feat: properly handle powered off machines in the UI and machine classes1d8c754
fix: do not preserve extensions on Talos agent mode1f81400
fix: run destroy validations on teardown6190568
fix: allow accepting rejected infra machines3332684
fix: correctly handle input finalizers inInfraMachineController
feat: add support for Zitadel IdPe8aee8e
feat: implement the machine categories UI
Changes since v0.46.0-beta.0
7 commits
release(v0.46.0): prepare releasee2e5f08
chore: migrate uncompressed resources datafd888ab
refactor: track infra machine install status via a counterc6b7dd3
test: extract static infra provider machine accept tests into hooks8db0e8d
test: fixreadyToUse
flag assertions in static infra provider tests4a436b4
fix: correctly handle conflict error in machine status handler6e910e1
fix: update COSI runtime to fix watch retry errors
Changes from siderolabs/discovery-service
Changes from siderolabs/gen
Changes from siderolabs/go-talos-support
Changes from siderolabs/image-factory
7 commits
Dependency Changes
- filippo.io/age v1.2.0 -> v1.2.1
- github.com/ProtonMail/gopenpgp/v2 v2.8.1 -> v2.8.2
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.32.6 -> v1.32.8
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config v1.28.6 -> v1.28.11
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials v1.17.47 -> v1.17.52
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/s3/manager v1.17.43 -> v1.17.49
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/s3 v1.71.0 -> v1.72.3
- github.com/cosi-project/runtime v0.7.5 -> v0.9.2
- github.com/cosi-project/state-etcd v0.4.1 -> v0.5.0
- github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2 v2.24.0 -> v2.25.1
- github.com/jonboulle/clockwork 7e524bd2b238 -> v0.5.0
- github.com/prometheus/common v0.60.1 -> v0.61.0
- github.com/siderolabs/discovery-service v1.0.8 -> v1.0.9
- github.com/siderolabs/gen v0.7.0 -> v0.8.0
- github.com/siderolabs/go-talos-support v0.1.1 -> v0.1.2
- github.com/siderolabs/image-factory v0.6.2 -> v0.6.5
- github.com/siderolabs/omni/client v0.42.1 -> v0.45.0
- github.com/siderolabs/talos/pkg/machinery v1.9.0-beta.1 -> v1.10.0-alpha.0
- github.com/zitadel/oidc/v3 v3.33.1 -> v3.34.0
- golang.org/x/crypto v0.29.0 -> v0.32.0
- golang.org/x/net v0.31.0 -> v0.34.0
- golang.org/x/tools v0.27.0 -> v0.29.0
- golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/wgctrl 925a1e7659e6 -> a9ab2273dd10
- google.golang.org/grpc v1.68.0 -> v1.69.4
- google.golang.org/protobuf v1.35.2 -> v1.36.3
- k8s.io/api v0.32.0-rc.1 -> v0.32.0
- k8s.io/apimachinery v0.32.0-rc.1 -> v0.32.0
- k8s.io/client-go v0.32.0-rc.1 -> v0.32.0
- sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime v0.19.3 -> v0.19.4
Previous release can be found at v0.45.0