v4.0.0 - SUMMER Release
Neo4j FDW Release v4.0.0
This version is using the lastest neo4j driver (4.0), so it is compatible with neo4j 4.0 (and 3.5) and support the multi database.
From this version, we don't support python 2.7 anymore
5a87365 [readme]: adding a sentence on the compatibility of the current version
db738bc Upgrade to Neo4j 4.0
55266d1 Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/jholtom-ciena/neo4j-fdw into jholtom-ciena-master
c443e53 Safely drop database parameter when connecting to legacy databases, but log warning instead. (Include suppression for ExperimentalWarnings from using Driver.supports_multi_db(), despite not actually finding where these are popping out in PostgreSQL ! :) )
fdb9f19 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
6f2e2e7 Adjust test-case positioning scripts to silence file-not-present errors
7dd8585 Drop multicorn.utils.log_to_postgres(...) in PostreSQL function context, in favour of plpy.LEVEL(...) on account of it actually generating required output
46c0ff4 Shuffle test cases up, to make space for an extension/wrapper builder split into their own test case(s) - one targeted at v4.x, and a legacy version targeted at v3.x -- all other tests get re-used to demonstrate full compatibility
4a4bb21 Add a legacy Neo4j v3.x database, alongside v4.x to ensure backwards compatibility of FDW
c79b1f5 Rely upon user to know when talking to a Neo4J 3.x DB, and leave out the database name
51e276e Enable passing database name as query portion of URL parameter, but strictly subordinate to any explicit database name parameter where both are specified
3841fe3 Adjust test cases to cope with greater non-determinism following move to Neo4J v4
f512eb0 Test using a named database
0234cdc Switch to Neo4J v4 DB image, and allow for specification of database name
36849fc Add some guidance on version usage
dc2bb3f Remove libfaketime, as no-longer needed
d482422 Remove support for previous Neo4J driver
53747eb Correct my_time field, to show +01:00 offset, as per the value inserted into Temporal node in Neo4J database. (Previous implementation with Neo4J v1.x neotime.Time object was erroneously leaving out the offset when transferring data back to PostgreSQL, resulting in the output picking up an implicit PST/PDT Pacific timezone from the pg_regress test-runner)
217b909 Adjust tests to cope with python3, and in particular non-determinism in ordering of set outputs
0ae60e9 Switch to Neo4J's preferred driver reference, Convert code/test harness to Python3, in line with Neo4J dropping Python2.7 support with their v4.x drivers.