Here's an example of using React Native to talk to a Phoenix server with WebSockets.
For more background and some more in-depth commentary, check out my blog post that goes with this repo.
Since this is just a sample, I'm going to pretend errors and timeouts don't exist.
In the code:
- the official JS client that ships with Phoenix framework.Chat.js
- a silly wrapper around the Phoenix sockets and channel interfaces.Root.jsx
- the user interface
The UI revolves around a hilariously fantastic 3rd party component called Gifted Messenger:
The server is Chris McCord's example. The only change I made was to turn off the server-generated PING message every 5 seconds.
I just included it here for convenience. I ghetto-forked it as of
on Feb 13, 2016. He does a great job of
keeping it up to date, and you should use his for your own adventures.
Make sure you've installed Elixir 1.2.2+.
cd ChatServer
mix deps get
npm install
(recommended: for a web version of the client)grab a coffee
mix phoenix.server
After a quick 1-time compile, your server is now up & running. If you installed the web client then browser to http://localhost:4000
Make sure you have React Native 0.19+ installed on your ride.
cd ChatClient
npm install
grab a coffee
react-native run-ios
orreact-native run-android
If you're running android, you might need to reverse map some ports to get to the chat server by running
$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb reverse tcp:4000 tcp:4000