repo moved to
UX essentials for building apps, utilities which enables you writing richer apps easier.
Quick links
Change logs | Project Repository
Get library via npm
npm install @ssv/ngx.ux
Choose the version corresponding to your Angular version:
Angular | library |
10+ | 2.x+ |
4 to 9 | 1.x+ |
- Viewport (see below)
import { SsvUxModule } from "@ssv/ngx.ux";
imports: [
export class AppModule {
Provides utilities to handle responsiveness easier based on the viewport (view size)
Operand | Description |
= | Equals |
<> | Not equals |
< | Less than |
<= | Less than or equal |
> | Greater than |
>= | Greater Than or equal |
These are the defaults, but they are configurable.
Size Type | Size Range |
xsmall | <=450 |
small | 451-767 |
medium | 768-992 |
large | 993-1200 |
xlarge | 1201-1500 |
xxlarge | 1501-1920 |
xxlarge1 | >=1921 |
Structural directive which loads components based on a viewport sizing condition e.g. show ONLY if viewport is greater than xlarge.
<!-- simple -->
<div *ssvViewportMatcher="'large'">
show only when large
<!-- expression based - tuple (shorthand) *recommended usage* -->
<div *ssvViewportMatcher="['>=', 'xlarge']"> (see all operands and sizes)
show when >= xlarge
<!-- expression based - object -->
<div *ssvViewportMatcher="{size: 'xlarge', operation: '<='}"> (see all operands and sizes)
show when >= xlarge
<!-- includes -->
<div *ssvViewportMatcher="['large', 'xlarge']">
show only when large, xlarge
<!-- excludes -->
<div *ssvViewportMatcher="''; exclude ['xsmall', 'small']">
hide only when xsmall, small
<!-- match/else -->
<div *ssvViewportMatcher="['>=', 'xlarge']; else otherwise">
show when >= xlarge
<ng-template #otherwise>
show when expression is falsy (< xlarge)
<!-- non structure syntax -->
<ng-template ssvViewportMatcher [ssvViewportMatcherExclude]="'xsmall'">
(exclude xsmall)
Structural directive which provides the condition var whether it matches or not (params are similar to ssvViewportMatcher
<!-- simple -->
<div *ssvViewportMatcherVar="let isLarge when 'large'">
<!-- expression based - tuple (shorthand) *recommended usage* -->
<div *ssvViewportMatcherVar="let isMediumDown when ['<=', 'medium']">
<!-- includes/or -->
<div *ssvViewportMatcherVar="let isLargeOrSmall when ['small', 'large']">
// get size type
tap(x => console.log("Viewport - sizeType changed", x)), // { type: 4, name: "xlarge", widthThreshold: 1500 }
Since in SSR there is no way to know the client viewport size, we should at least determine device type and handle provide
3 different sizes based on device type e.g. mobile
, tablet
or desktop
so the initial rendering will be closer based on device type.
The basic implementation allows to provide a device type mobile
, tablet
or desktop
and there are static sizes for those.
import { UX_VIEWPORT_SSR_DEVICE } from "@ssv/ngx.ux";
const deviceType = deviceTypeFromServer;
{ provide: UX_VIEWPORT_SSR_DEVICE, useValue: deviceType },
The default implementation can also be replaced by implementing a small class as following:
export class SuperViewportServerSizeService {
get(): ViewportSize {
// do your magic..
return size;
import { ViewportServerSizeService } from "@ssv/ngx.ux";
@NgModule( {
providers: [
{ provide: ViewportServerSizeService, useClass: SuperViewportServerSizeService }
}) export class AppModule {
You can configure the existing resize polling speed and as well as provide your custom breakpoints.
import { SsvUxModule, generateViewportSizeType } from "@ssv/ngx.ux";
const breakpoints = { // custom breakpoints - key/width
smallest: 500,
small: 700,
medium: 1000,
large: 1400,
extralarge: 1600,
xxlarge: 1800,
fhd: 1920,
uhd: 3840
imports: [
viewport: {
resizePollingSpeed: 66, // optional - defaults to 33
breakpoints // provide the custom breakpoints
import { SsvUxModule, UX_VIEWPORT_DEFAULT_BREAKPOINTS } from "@ssv/ngx.ux";
imports: [
viewport: {
breakpoints: {
...UX_VIEWPORT_DEFAULT_BREAKPOINTS, // use breakpoints provided with library
xxlarge1: 2000, // override xxlarge1
uhd: 3840 // add new breakpoint
Install/setup the following:
- NodeJS v18.16.0+
- Visual Studio Code or similar code editor
- TypeScript 5.0+
- Git + SourceTree, SmartGit or similar (optional)
- Ensure to install global NPM modules using the following:
npm install -g git gulp devtool
The following process need to be executed in order to get started.
npm install
npm run build
npm test
Handles compiling of changes.
npm start
Spawns test runner and keep watching for changes.
npm run tdd
- Update changelogs
- bump version
Check out the release workflow guide in order to guide you creating a release and publishing it.
ng new examples --skip-install --create-application=false
cd examples
ng g example-app --routing --style=scss
ng lint
ng add @angular/material