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Auto configure dubbo

register dubbo reference or service to Spring automatically.

This plugin can generate dubbo configuration file automatically base on a freemarker template which you can tell it how to do.

Maven dependency


Core class

DubboPostProcessor has three required properties.

  • freemarkerRelativePath

the freemarker template path relative to classpath.You can access all the interfaces that need to be registered to Spring through interfaces. The interfaces is a ArrayList<InterfaceInfo>,more details at com.skyding.dubbo.autoconfigure.InterfaceInfo.

  • interfacePackages

where to scan interfaces ,use comma to split multiple packages. Notice: It will NOT scan the subpackages.

  • serviceSide

It's Boolean type. you should set true when configured in service side ,false in consumer side.

Configure dubbo reference side

  • The jar has a default freemarker template file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
	xsi:schemaLocation="               ">
	<#list interfaces as inf>
    <dubbo:reference interface="${}" version="1.0" id="${inf.clazz.simpleName?uncap_first}" timeout="15000"/>
  • Configure a bean in Spring

Assume your interfaces which you want to expose locate in com.zx.sms.dao, and your freemarker template is dubbo-reference-simple.ftl.

	<bean class="com.skyding.dubbo.autoconfigure.DubboPostProcessor">
		<property name="freemarkerRelativePath" value="dubbo-reference-simple.ftl"></property>
		<property name="interfacePackages" value="com.zx.sms.dao"></property>
		<property name="serviceSide" value="false"></property>

Configure dubbo service side

  • The jar has a default freemarker template file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
       xsi:schemaLocation="          ">
	<#list interfaces as inf>
    <dubbo:service interface="${}" version="1.0" ref="${inf.ref}" timeout="15000"/>
  • Configure a bean in Spring

Assume your interfaces which you want to expose locate in com.zx.sms.dao, and your freemarker template is dubbo-service-simple.ftl.

	<bean class="com.skyding.dubbo.autoconfigure.DubboPostProcessor">
		<property name="freemarkerRelativePath" value="dubbo-service-simple.ftl"></property>
		<property name="interfacePackages" value="com.zx.sms.dao"></property>
		<property name="serviceSide" value="true"></property>