Session Middleware for Slimane
import Slimane
import SessionMiddleware
let app = Slimane()
// SessionConfig
let sesConf = SessionConfig(
secret: "my-secret-value",
expires: 180,
HTTPOnly: true
// Enable to use session in Slimane
app.use(SessionMiddleware(conf: sesConf))
Middleware for session handling in Slimane
SessionMiddleware(conf: SessionConfig)
Session Configuration Struct.
- store: SessionStoreType
- Default store is the SessionMemoryStore
- keyName: String
- secret: String
- Your application secret value
- expires: Int?
- Sec for cookie/stored data ttl
- HTTPOnly: Bool
- secure: Bool
- maxAge: Int?
- domain: String?
- path: String?
public protocol SessionStoreType {
func destroy(sessionId: String)
func load(sessionId: String, completion: (SessionResult<[String: AnyObject?]>) -> Void)
func store(sessionId: String, values: [String: AnyObject?], expires: Int?, completion: () -> Void)
SessionMemoryStore is default store for SessionMiddleware. And this is not recommended to use under production environment.
Protocol for Serializer
public protocol SerializerType {
func serialize(src: [String: AnyObject]) throws -> String
func deserialize(src: String) throws -> [String: AnyObject]
Serialize/deserialize the value with JSON format
let serializer = JsonSerializer()
let serialized = serializer.serializer(["foo": "bar"])
Easy to make an own SessionStore with confirming SessionStoreType. Here is an easy FileSessionStore Example.
import SessionMiddleware
import Suv
struct FileSessionStore: SessionStoreType {
func destroy(sessionId: String) {
func load(sessionId: String, completion: (SessionResult<[String: AnyObject?]>) -> Void) {
let serializer = JsonSerializer()
FS.readFile("/path/to/\(sessionId).json") {
if case .Data(let buf) = $0 {
let dictionary = serializer.deserialize(buf.toString()!)
if case .Error(let error) = $0 {
func store(sessionId: String, values: [String: AnyObject?], expires: Int?, completion: () -> Void) {
let serializer = JsonSerializer()
// Overwrite
FS.writeFile("/path/to/\(sessionId).json", Buffer(try! serializer(values))) { _ in
- SessionMemoryStore(Including this package)
- SessionRedisStore
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "SlimaneApp",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 1)
SessionMiddleware is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.