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SnapAuth TypeScript/JavaScript SDK

This is the official TS/JS SDK for SnapAuth.

SnapAuth will let you add passkey support to your web (and native) app in a snap! Add strong multi-factor authentication or go fully passwordless while maintaining a great, frictionless user experience.

This is for client code. If you're looking for the server integration, check out @snapauth/node-sdk.

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Installation and Setup


npm i --save @snapauth/sdk


yarn add @snapauth/sdk
import { SDK } from '@snapauth/sdk'
const snapAuth = new SDK('pubkey_your_value')

Directly linking (UMD)

<script src="[email protected]/dist/index.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
const snapAuth = new SnapAuth.SDK('pubkey_your_value')


Replace pubkey_your_value with the publishable key for your domain from the dashboard. Publishable keys are domain-specific and the domain MUST match what's in the browser's address bar.


All examples are in TypeScript. For use with vanilla JavaScript, omit the type imports and annotations.

These should be run in response to a button click, form submission, etc. Browsers will ignore most WebAuthn requests that are not in response to a user gesture.

Registering a Credential

// Get `username` from a field in your UI, your backend, etc.
// This should be what the user signs in with, such as a username or email address
const registration = await snapAuth.startRegister({ username })
if (registration.ok) {
  const token =
  // Send token to your backend to use the /credential/create API
} else {
  // Inspect registration.error and decide how best to proceed


You MUST send the token to the backend /credential/create API to associate it with the user. Until this is done, the user will not be able to use their new credential.

For security, the token expires in a few minutes. The response includes a expiresAt field indicating when this needs to be done.

The username value is used completely locally, and is not sent to SnapAuth's servers. This is should be a login handle such as a username or email address.

You may also set displayName, though browsers typically (counter-intuitively) ignore displayName in favor of username.


The username field cannot be changed at this time - it's not supported by browsers. Once browser APIs exist to modify it, we will add support to the SDK. See #40 for details.

Automatic Passkey Upgrades

Browsers and operating systems are adding support for automatic passkey upgrades. These allow adding passkeys to existing accounts without having to send the user through a separate UI flow. If the browser supports it and the credential manager deems it appropriate, it will automatically create a passkey for the user. See the WWDC24 session video for more information (automatic passkey upgrades are not Apple-specific).

To do this with SnapAuth, it's very similar to registration process above. Simply swap startRegister to upgradeToPasskey, and avoid showing feedback to users on failures. This should be called just after the user signs in with a non-WebAuthn credential, such as a password or OTP code.

const registration = await snapAuth.upgradeToPasskey({ username })
if (registration.ok) {
  const token =
  // Send token to your backend to use the /credential/create API
} else {
  // You may want to log this error or add metrics, but should NOT display
  // anything to the user in this flow.

SnapAuth will automatically handle browser support detection, and return an api_unsupported_in_browser for browsers that do not support automatic upgrades. You can call our API in any browser!


// This would typically be in an onClick/onSubmit handler
const username = document.getElementById('username').value // Adjust to your UI
const auth = await snapAuth.startAuth({ username })
if (auth.ok) {
  const token =
  // Send token to your backend to use the /auth/verify API
  // It will return the verified user's id, which you should use to sign in the
  // user with your existing mechanism (cookie, token, etc)
} else {
  // Inspect auth.error and decide how best to proceed

You may use id or username when calling startAuth(). id is great when you already know who is signing in (returning user, MFA flows, etc); username is more streamlined when initially authenticating.

Both values are case-insensitive.


DO NOT sign in the user based on getting the client token alone! You MUST send it to the /auth/verify Server API endpoint, and inspect its response to get the verified user id to securely authenticate.

AutoFill-assisted requests

Most browsers support credential autofill, which will automatically prompt a user to sign in using a previously-registered credential. To take advantage of this, you need two things:

  1. An <input> (or <textarea>) field with autocomplete="username webauthn" set1. We strongly recommend adding these details to your standard sign-in field:
<input type="text" autocomplete="username webauthn" placeholder="Username" />
  1. Run the autofill API. This returns an AuthResponse, just like the modal startAuth() method.
const auth = await snapAuth.autofill()

Unlike the direct startRegister and startAuth calls, autofill CAN and SHOULD be called as early in the page lifecycle is possible (not in response to a user gesture). This helps ensure that autofill can occur when a user interacts with the form field.


Use the same logic to validate the the response from both autofill() and startAuth().

Avoid giving the user visual feedback if autofill returns an error.

import { AuthResponse } from '@snapauth/sdk'
const validateAuth = async (auth: AuthResponse) => {
  if (auth.ok) {
    await fetch(...) // send to your backend to sign in the user
const onSignInSubmit = async (e) => {
  // get `username` (commonly username or email) from a form field or similar
  const auth = await snapAuth.startAuth({ username })
  if (auth.ok) {
      await validateAuth(auth)
    } else {
      // Display a message to the user, send to a different flow, etc.

const afAuth = await snapauth.autofill()
if (afAuth.ok) {

Building the SDK

Run npm run watch to keep the build running continually on file change.

To make the local version available for linking, run npm link in this directory.

In the project that should use the local version, run npm link '@snapauth/sdk' which will set up the symlinking.

If working with a non-production backend, provide the host as a string to the second parameter of the SDK constructor.


  1. The WebAuthn spec says that only webauthn is required in autocomplete, but real-world browser testing shows that using exactly autocomplete="username webauthn" string is most reliable. If you do not have this element, or the browser otherwise fails to detect it, the autofill-assited experience will not start.