A simple Go wrapper for Twitter API v2 ✨ 🍰 ✨
# Go Modules
require github.com/sns-sdks/go-twitter
Construct a new client with bearer token, then use the api.
cli := twitter.NewBearerClient("your bearer token")
u, err := cli.Tweets.LookupByID("tweet id", twitter.TweetOpts{})
fmt.Println(u, err)
OAuth 2.0 has released with beta.
So you can do OAuth2.0
with twitter. More see the Example for OAuth2.0
Some apis need OAuth 1.0a User context
, You can use initial a client with user access token.
app := twitter.NewAuthorizationAPP(
ConsumerKey: "consumer key",
ConsumerSecret: "consumer secret",
AccessTokenKey: "user access token key",
AccessTokenSecret: "user access toke secret",
cli := app.GetUserClient()
bu, err := cli.Users.GetBlocking(uid, twitter.UserBlockingOpts{})
fmt.Println(bu, err)
Or you can handle authentication contact with twitter. See the Example for OAuth 1.0a
- Tweets lookup
- Manage Tweets
- Timelines
- search Tweets
- Tweet counts
- Retweets
- Likes
- Hide replies
- Users lookup
- Follows
- Blocks
- Mutes
- Lookup
- Search
- List lookup
- Manage lists
- List Tweets lookup
- List members
- List follows
- Pinned Lists
- Batch compliance
Direct Message:
- Direct Messages lookup
- Manage Direct Messages