git clone
- Let's try our hardest to not merge broken code to develop
git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout -b <name>-<feature>
- Work on your new feature in the feature branch
git checkout develop
git pull
git merge <branchName>
git push
git branch -d <branchName>
(local branch)git push origin --delete <branchName>
(remote branch)
git checkout master
git pull
git merge develop
git push
- Web Frontend
- AngularJS
- Scaffold by Yeoman angular generator
- Web Backend
- Strongloop
- MongoDB
[sudo] npm install -g grunt-cli strongloop bower yo generator-angular
- Install MongoDB
cd frontend
grunt serve
- Modify files in
folder when developing - Yay live reload
bower install <project> --save
cd frontend
yo angular:controller <controllerName>
- More info:
- We can't add routes automatically using the generator, since our routes are ui-routes. Have to do it manually :(
- Modify
to add a new ui route - To add a new tab, modify
cd scratch
slc run
cd frontend
grunt build
- The distributed frontend code should appear in the