Includes "non-official" specs of the Markdown language, supported by some markdown renderers.
- Code
- Collapsible Section
- Emojis
- Headers
- Heading Anchor
- Image
- Link
- Lists
- Quotes
- Separator
- Typographical Emphasis
- Whitespaces
`inline code`
code block
guard let a = b else {
guard let a = b else {
Click To Expand
- Add details
**<details><summary>Click To Expand</summary>**<p>
- Add details
:sunglasses: :+1: :grin: :tada: :heart:
# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6
#### A Header
#### [An anchor for the header](#a-header)

- Bulleted
- List
- Bulleted
- List
- Numbered
- List
1. Numbered
2. List
- Checkbox
- List
- [x] Checkbox
- [ ] List
- Nested List
- Nested List
- Nested List
- Nested List
- Nested List
1. Nested List
- [x] Nested List
> quote
>>> nested quote
**Bold** or __Bold__
*Italic* or _Italic_
**_Bold & Italic_**
Add two spaces after a line
- table
- resized image