Command line pastebin for sharing terminal output.
Self-explanatory live examples (using public server):
echo just testing! | nc 9999
cat file.txt | nc 9999
In case you installed and started fiche on localhost:
ls -la | nc localhost 9999
You will get an url to your paste as a response, e.g.:
You can use our beautification service to get any paste colored and numbered. Just ask for it using
subdomain, e.g.:
You can make your life easier by adding a termbin alias to your rc file. We list some of them here:
alias tb="(exec 3<>/dev/tcp/; cat >&3; cat <&3; exec 3<&-)"
echo less typing now! | tb
Linux (Bash):
echo 'alias tb="nc 9999"' >> .bashrc
echo less typing now! | tb
echo 'alias tb="nc 9999"' >> .bash_profile
echo less typing now! | tb
Linux (Bash):
echo 'alias tbc="netcat 9999 | xclip -selection c"' >> .bashrc
echo less typing now! | tbc
echo 'alias tbc="nc 9999 | pbcopy"' >> .bash_profile
echo less typing now! | tbc
Remember to reload the shell with source ~/.bashrc
or source ~/.bash_profile
after adding any of provided above!
To use fiche you have to have netcat installed. You probably already have it - try typing nc
or netcat
into your terminal!
git clone
sudo make install
To install the port: cd /usr/ports/net/fiche/ && make install clean
. To add the package: pkg install fiche
See #86 for more info.
usage: fiche [-D6epbsdSolBuw].
[-d domain] [-L listen_addr ] [-p port] [-s slug size]
[-o output directory] [-B buffer size] [-u user name]
[-l log file] [-b banlist] [-w whitelist] [-S]
These are command line arguments. You don't have to provide any of them to run the application. Default settings will be used in such case. See section below for more info.
Relative or absolute path to the directory where you want to store user-posted pastes.
fiche -o ./code
fiche -o /home/www/code/
Default value: ./code
This will be used as a prefix for an output received by the client.
Value will be prepended with http
fiche -d
fiche -d
fiche -d
Default value: localhost
This will force slugs to be of required length:
fiche -s 6
Output url with default value: http://localhost/xxxx
where x is a randomized character
Output url with example value 6: http://localhost/xxxxxx
where x is a randomized character
Default value: 4
If set, fiche returns url with https prefix instead of http
fiche -S
Output url with this parameter: https://localhost/xxxx
where x is a randomized character
Fiche will try to switch to the requested user on startup if any is provided.
fiche -u _fiche
Default value: not set
WARNING: This requires that fiche is started as a root.
This parameter defines size of the buffer used for getting data from the user. Maximum size (in bytes) of all input files is defined by this value.
fiche -B 2048
Default value: 32768
fiche -l /home/www/fiche-log.txt
Default value: not set
WARNING: this file has to be user-writable
Relative or absolute path to a file containing IP addresses of banned users.
fiche -b fiche-bans.txt
Format of the file: this file should contain only addresses, one per line.
Default value: not set
WARNING: not implemented yet
If whitelist mode is enabled, only addresses from the list will be able to upload files.
fiche -w fiche-whitelist.txt
Format of the file: this file should contain only addresses, one per line.
Default value: not set
WARNING: not implemented yet
There's a simple systemd example:
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/fiche -d -o /path/to/output -l /path/to/log -u youruser
WARNING: In service mode you have to set output directory with -o
Fiche has no http server built-in, thus you need to setup one if you want to make files available through http.
There's a sample configuration for nginx:
server {
listen 80;
charset utf-8;
location / {
root /home/www/code/;
index index.txt index.html;
Fiche is MIT licensed.