System checks can help to detect common configuration tasks:
python check --tag email --deploy
Checks can be preformed before the web server starts: python check --deploy --fail-level=WARNING && DJANGO_DEBUG=0 gunicorn "wsgi:application" --access-logfile - --workers 12 --threads 12 --reload
If you have kubeconfig for your cluster, enable it with
export KUBECONFIG=./third-space-kubeconfig.yml
Then list contexts with kubectl config get-contexts
and choose one with kubectl config use-context myorg-third-oidc
To make the context always available, add to ~/.bashrc:
export KUBECONFIG="/home/z/pproj/elect_hotline/kube/third-kubeconfig.yaml:/home/u1/.kube/config"
Recommended to install kubie for context and namespace management: zypper in kubie
To allow kubie discover your kubeconfig file, copy it to ~/.kube
zypper in argocd-cli
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
To access it, expose nodeport service: kubectl apply -f argo-nodeport-service.yml
. Alternatively you can start port forwarding: kubectl port-forward service/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
Print admin password: argocd admin initial-password -n argocd
. Copy this password to clipboard.
To use argocd
cli, login with username admin
and the password printed above: argocd login kind:30009
kubectl create namespace "ufo-ns"
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=ufo-ns
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
read -p "postgres password: " password && kubectl create secret generic postgres-secrets --from-literal POSTGRES_PASSWORD="$password" --from-literal DATABASE_URL="postgresql://pguser:$password@postgres:5432/pgdb"
kubectl create secret generic ufo-secret-key --from-literal DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 64 | head -n 1`
kubectl delete secret ufo-secrets --ignore-not-found && read -p "GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET: " google_secret && kubectl create secret generic ufo-secrets --from-literal GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET="$google_secret"
kubectl delete secret sendgrid-secrets --ignore-not-found && read -p "SENDGRID_API_KEY: " sendgrid_api_key && kubectl create secret generic sendgrid-secrets --from-literal SENDGRID_API_KEY="$sendgrid_api_key"
If you need to print the secret value later, use kubectl get secrets/postgres-secrets --template={{.data.DATABASE_URL}} | base64 -d
cp src/env-local.example env-kube
Edit env-kube
file to set required environment variables. Then apply:
kubectl create configmap ufo-config --from-env-file env-kube -o yaml --dry-run='client' | kubectl apply -f -
If you need to adjust env vars later, you can edit env-kube
file and then reapply configmap with the above command. Remember to restart deployment pods with kubectl rollout restart deployment/ufo-deployment
to apply new configmap.
kubectl apply -f kube/postgres/
kubectl apply -f kube/ufo/
Install cert-manager with kubectl apply -f
Test with self-signed certificate: kubectl apply -f kube/tls/test-selfissued.yml
Test with staging letsencrypt certificate: kubectl apply -f kube/tls/test-staging.yml
Finally, obtain production letsencrypt certificate: kubectl apply -f kube/tls/prod.yml
kubectl edit configmaps ufo-config
kubectl exec --stdin --tty deployments/ufo-deployment -- /bin/bash
$ ./scripts/ populatedb
$ ./scripts/
$ ./ createsuperuser
kubectl port-forward services/nginx-gateway 8080:80 --namespace nginx-gateway
Install Prometheus Operator Custom Resource Definitions
kubectl apply --server-side -f
Prometheus config-reloader has only 10m cpu by default and being constantly throttled. To avoid this, override the args in the prometheus operator deployment: kubectl apply --server-side -f kube/metrics/prom-operator-deployment.yml
. See prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator#5446 (comment) and prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus#2333
Create prometheus instance: kubectl apply -f kube/metrics/ufo-prometheus.yaml
Check prometheus is running. Start port-forwarding: kubectl port-forward prometheus-ufo-prometheus-0 9000:9090
. Access it via
Note: port 9090 on localhost might be taken by your local kind cluster, so port 9000 is used instead in the forwarding command above.
Create ServiceMonitor rules for kubernetes system metrics:
kubectl apply -f kube/metrics/kube-sys/kube-apiserver-servicemon.yml
kubectl apply -f kube/metrics/kube-sys/kubelet-servicemon.yml
Create Node exporter and its ServiceMonitor:
kubectl apply -f kube/metrics/kube-sys/node-monitor.yml
Create alert rules:
kubectl apply -f kube/metrics/kube-sys/kube-alert-rules.yml
Create Prometheus ServiceMonitor for ufo django backend: kubectl apply -f kube/metrics/ufo-servicemon.yml
Check that ServiceMonitor is up and active. Start port forwarding and go to
Install grafana kubectl apply -k kube/metrics/grafana/
Allows installation of kubectl plugins
( set -x; cd "$(mktemp -d)" && OS="$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" && ARCH="$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/amd64/' -e 's/\(arm\)\(64\)\?.*/\1\2/' -e 's/aarch64$/arm64/')" && KREW="krew-${OS}_${ARCH}" && curl -fsSLO "${KREW}.tar.gz" && tar zxvf "${KREW}.tar.gz" && ./"${KREW}" install krew; )
Print all installed plugins with kubectl krew list
kubectl krew install oidc-login
kubectl krew install resource-capacity
Print all resource requests and limits for all pods: kubectl resource-capacity --pods
Add to bashrc alias for kubectl:
alias kk="kubectl"
__load_completion kubectl
complete -o default -F __start_kubectl kk
Recommended context and namespace manager tool.
Install: sudo zypper install fzf kubie
To allow kubie discover your kubeconfig file, copy it to ~/.kube
Can be used to switch context or namespace globally. It is less convenient than Kubie, which allows to switch context for currently opened shell session.
sudo zypper install fzf
kubectl krew install ctx
kubectl krew install ns
Now you can switch with kk ctx
or kk ns
zypper in postgresql
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings_neondb ./ migrate --skip-checks
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings_neondb ./scripts/ populatedb
git remote add heroku
cp env-local.example env-heroku
echo "DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 64 | head -n 1`" >> env-heroku
export HEROKUAPP=`git remote get-url heroku | python -c "print(input().split('/')[-1][:-4])"`
Edit env-heroku file: set DATABASE_URL and other required variables
./ env-heroku
git push heroku master
heroku run sh -c './ migrate --skip-checks'
heroku run sh -c './scripts/'
heroku run sh -c './scripts/ populatedb'
heroku run sh -c './ createsuperuser'
docker build --tag fak3/ufo:0.5 .
To test, push image into kind-cluster
kind load docker-image fak3/ufo:0.5 --name kind-cluster
Finally, push to dockerhub
docker push fak3/ufo:0.5