KAFKA Connector - using "hpgrahsl-kafka-connect-mongodb" connector to export KAFKA topics data to mongo db
A Kafka Connect MongoDB Sink Connector available as part of confluent connector plugins https://www.confluent.io/connector/kafka-connect-mongodb-sink/
**For more details about the plugin owners,visit https://github.com/hpgrahsl/kafka-connect-mongodb
- topic names
- kafka broker names
- mongodb connection details
- mongodb collection names
- key,value converters if any.
Path: src/kafka-mongodb-connector/MongoDbSinkConnector.properties
- cd <<root>> i.e cd eCupcakesFactoryOnContainers
- Run => "docker build -t customconnector -f src/kafka-mongodb-connector/Dockerfile . --no-cache"
- docker run -it customconnector
produce some messages to the configured topics:
kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -t "<<topicname>>" _P
verify mongodb collection
- confluent-hub install --no-prompt hpgrahsl/kafka-connect-mongodb:1.3.1
(this would suggest you to install in the default confluent installation folders)
- update this path in "plugin.path" setting in "MongoDbSinkConnector.properties" file
ex: plugin.path=/usr/share/java,/usr/share/confluent-hub-components
- Run the below command confluent installation directory:
"./bin/connect-standalone <<path to MongoDbSinkConnector.properties>> <<path to MongoDbSinkConnector.properties>>
Note: here, I have merge both worker.properties connector.properties settings into MongoDbSinkConnector.properties, you can split this into worker.properties and connector.properties(recommended).