Marrow - MRO, the opposite of ORM.
This app requires libpq and libuuid (ossp-uuid) be installed. On MacOS this can be done using brew, however afterward you must be sure that the library will be found by zef. On my own machine I had to create soft links from /usr/local/lib to the brew installed libraries.
: DB::Pg has trouble installing on MacOS. This is because the libpq on MacOS that is installed by Homebrew does not match the version defined by the module. This problem can be worked around by doing the following:
> git clone
> cd raku-dbpg;
> sed -i '.bk' -e 's/\:ver\<5\>//g' META6.json;
> zef install --exclude="pq" .
You may then install this application and things should work.
./bin/mro.raku [--app] [--mods] [--roles] [--templates] [--list] [--db-type=<Str>] [--dbname=<Str>] [--host=<Str>] [--port=<Str>] [--user=<Str>] [--password=<Str>] [--schema=<Str>] [--prefix=<Str>] [--app-host=<Str>] [--app-port=<Str>] [--help]
--app Generate the Cro app that implements the REST APIs. [default: False]
--mods Generate empty Class modules that can be modified by users (one to implement each role). [default: False]
--roles Generate roles implemented by the modules (one for each table in the schema). [default: False]
--templates Generate HTML template interface. [default: False]
--list List the DB schemas (postgreSQL only) [default: False]
--db-type=<Str> The type of database (sqlite, pg, mysql, etc).
--dbname=<Str> The name of the database - env DB_NAME (filename for SQLite).
--host=<Str> The host name of the database - env DB_HOST.
--port=<Str> The port number of the database - env DB_PORT.
--user=<Str> The user name for the database - env DB_USER.
--password=<Str> The password for the database - env DB_PASS.
--schema=<Str> The name of the schema to use. [default: 'public']
--prefix=<Str> The library prefix to use for the generated code. [default: 'public']
--app-host=<Str> The host name for the app - env APP_HOST.
--app-port=<Str> The port number for the app - env APP_PORT.
--help Displays this message. [default: False]
bin/mro.raku --app --mods --roles --templates --db-type sqlite --dbname=t/api_test.db --host=localhost --user=ssotka --password=<password> --prefix=public --schema=public --app-host=localhost --app-port=2314 --port=5432
In this example dbname is actually a sqlite db file. In this case, although we defined all the other db related args, their values are irrelevant.
Marrow (mro.raku) is an application that will, when pointed at a standards compliant SQL relational database which supports the Information Schema (at the moment only Postgresql and SQLite are supported) will interrogate the the given schema's tables (defaults to public) and their relationships. It will then generate a Cro application to serve APIs to manipulate those tables.
Note: At the moment mro requires all the tables to have a field called "id" as the primary key. It has been tested with "id" values of integer and uuid.
The code generated includes a set of object libraries and roles for those objects. The basic functionaliry for the objects are in the corresponding roles which the objects implement. User-written code should go into the object file itself. That way when the DB is altered the use may regenerate just the roles and templates to have them updated.
Also emitted at this time are a Dockerfile and .env file for the application. The .env file will look like so:
# host generally needs to be for docker
# This is for a database running on the current maching. YMMV.
Assuming you have docker installed locally the Dockerfile can be built and run like so:
> docker build -f ./Dockerfile -traku-test:new .
> docker run -i -p --env-file ./.env raku-test:new
The new Cro application will be created in the results directory and will be set up in the following tree:
<dbname>.raku (Cro application)
<roles for object files (roles)>
<object files (mods)>
<user defined routes module>
- Move boilerplate to templating system (find a templating system).
- Implement a security layer for the routes.
Scott Sotka [email protected]
Copyright 2024 Scott Sotka
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.