- Title: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) National Wetlands Inventory (NWI)
- Identifier: https://stac-extensions.github.io/usfws-nwi/v1.0.0/schema.json
- Field Name Prefix: fws_nwi
- Scope: Item, Collection
- Extension Maturity Classification: Proposal
- Owner: @m-mohr
This document explains the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Extension to the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification. See https://www.fws.gov/program/national-wetlands-inventory for details.
- Examples:
- Item example: Shows the basic usage of the extension in a STAC Item
- Collection example: Shows the basic usage of the extension in a STAC Collection
- JSON Schema
- Changelog
The fields in the table below can be used in these parts of STAC documents:
- Catalogs
- Collections
- Item Properties (incl. Summaries in Collections)
- Assets (for both Collections and Items, incl. Item Asset Definitions in Collections)
- Links
Field Name | Type | Description |
fws_nwi:state | string | REQUIRED. The applicable US state (long name). One of the allowed values below. |
fws_nwi:state_code | string | REQUIRED. The applicable US state (short code). One of the allowed values below. |
fws_nwi:content | [string] | REQUIRED. The content published in this Item. A set of the following allowed values: historic_wetlands , riparian , wetlands |
fws_nwi:state_code |
fws_nwi:state |
AL | Alabama |
AK | Alaska |
AZ | Arizona |
AR | Arkansas |
CA | California |
CO | Colorado |
CT | Connecticut |
DE | Delaware |
DC | District of Columbia |
FL | Florida |
GA | Georgia |
HI | Hawaii |
ID | Idaho |
IL | Illinois |
IN | Indiana |
IA | Iowa |
KS | Kansas |
KY | Kentucky |
LA | Louisiana |
ME | Maine |
MD | Maryland |
MA | Massachusetts |
MI | Michigan |
MN | Minnesota |
MS | Mississippi |
MO | Missouri |
MT | Montana |
NE | Nebraska |
NV | Nevada |
NH | New Hampshire |
NJ | New Jersey |
NM | New Mexico |
NY | New York |
NC | North Carolina |
ND | North Dakota |
OH | Ohio |
OK | Oklahoma |
OR | Oregon |
PacTrust | Pacific Trust Islands |
PA | Pennsylvania |
PRVI | Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands |
RI | Rhode Island |
SC | South Carolina |
SD | South Dakota |
TN | Tennessee |
TX | Texas |
UT | Utah |
VT | Vermont |
VA | Virginia |
WA | Washington |
WV | West Virginia |
WI | Wisconsin |
WY | Wyoming |
All contributions are subject to the STAC Specification Code of Conduct. For contributions, please follow the STAC specification contributing guide Instructions for running tests are copied here for convenience.
The same checks that run as checks on PR's are part of the repository and can be run locally to verify that changes are valid.
To run tests locally, you'll need npm
, which is a standard part of any node.js installation.
First you'll need to install everything with npm once. Just navigate to the root of this repository and on your command line run:
npm install
Then to check markdown formatting and test the examples against the JSON schema, you can run:
npm test
This will spit out the same texts that you see online, and you can then go and fix your markdown or examples.
If the tests reveal formatting problems with the examples, you can fix them with:
npm run format-examples