A few simple scripts for checking the state of your [ElasticSearch] cluster using Nagios the endpoints of ElasticSearch
##How they work
These plugins work by submitting API requests to a local or remote ElasticSearch server via the [cluster-health] and [node stats] endpoints
###Check Nodes in Cluster
This can be used to specify the nodes that are expected in the cluster. Currently, the check will return as CRITICAL if there are any unaccounted for nodes
``` Usage: check_es_nodes.py [options]
- Options:
--version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose -E NODES_IN_CLUSTER, --expected_nodes_in_cluster=NODES_IN_CLUSTER
This is the expected number of nodes in the cluster
-H HOST, --host=HOST The cluster to check -P PORT, --port=PORT The ES port - defaults to 9200
python check_es_nodes.py --host=myescluster.com --expected_nodes_in_cluster=13 ```
###Check Cluster Health Status
This plugin can be used to get the current cluster health. This will return OK for Green, Warning for Yellow and Critical for Red.
``` Usage: check_es_cluster_status.py [options]
- Options:
--version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose -H HOST, --host=HOST The cluster to check -P PORT, --port=PORT The ES port - defaults to 9200
python check_es_cluster_status.py --host=myescluster.com ```
###Check for Unassigned Nodes in Cluster
This plugin can be used to check for unassigned shards in the cluster. This can potentially indicate that a node is missing from the cluster. The alert will currently indicate a CRITICAL error if an unassigned shard is found
``` Usage: check_es_unassigned_shards.py [options]
- Options:
--version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose -H HOST, --host=HOST The cluster to check -P PORT, --port=PORT The ES port - defaults to 9200
python check_es_unassigned_shards.py --host=myescluster.com ```
###Check Node JVM Usage
This plugin can be used to ensure that the nodes in the cluster are not approaching, or exceeding, the thresholds that we determine that the JVM needs to run at. Currently, if any of the nodes exceed the critical limt, then the cluster will throw a CRITICAL error. If no nodes exceed the critical threshold but a node exceeds the warning threshold, then the cluster will throw a WARNING.
``` Usage: check_es_jvm_usage.py [options]
- Options:
--version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose -H HOST, --host=HOST The cluster to check -P PORT, --port=PORT The ES port - defaults to 9200 -C CRITICAL_THRESHOLD, --critical_threshold=CRITICAL_THRESHOLD
The level at which we throw a CRITICAL alert - defaults to 97% of the JVM setting
-W WARNING_THRESHOLD, --warning_threshold=WARNING_THRESHOLD The level at which we throw a WARNING alert - defaults to 85% of the JVM setting
python check_es_unassigned_shards.py --host=myescluster.com ```
###License This project is licensed under MIT
[cluster-health]: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-cluster-health.html [node stats]: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/cluster-nodes-stats.html [ElasticSearch]: http://www.elasticsearch.org/