This small library will allow you to use arango db to store user sessions in a document collection.
First create the collection that you want to store the sessions in. You can use arangosh to do this:
db._create( 'sessions', {
//You don't need this. Actually, make this false if you want sessions to persist across database restarts
"isVolatile": true,
//AllowUserKeys can be false too. This library lets arangodb to decide session keys right now by using the autogenerated _key
//attribute. In the future maybe I'll add an option to allow creation from the library side
"allowUserKeys": true
}, 'document' )
Now in go code you can save sessions like so:
store, err := NewArangoDbStore(&ArangoDbOptions{
CollectionName: "sessions", //the name of the collection from above
Host: "http://localhost:8529", //where to connect to
DatabaseName: "_system", //the database to use
User: "root", //user to connect as
Password: "",
}, []byte("secret-encryption-key-thingy"))
func (f HandlerFunc) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, request *Request) {
session, err := store.Get( request, "GO_SESS_ID" )
// Set some session values.
session.Values["foo"] = "bar"
session.Values[42] = 43
session.Save( r, w )
store.Save( r, w, session )
The session data will be stored in the collection under the "session-data" key. Sorry, no way for me to switch that key name on the fly right now.
This library also currently relies on another library I'm writing
. It's a REST API for arangodb written in go.
Maybe in the future I will remove this dependency and only use the http package.