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Universal and efficient core gene phylogeny with Foldseek and ProstT5


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Unicore is a method for scalable and accurate phylogenetic reconstruction with structural core genes using Foldseek and ProstT5, universally applicable to any given set of taxa.


Kim, D., Park, S., & Steinegger, M. (2024). Unicore enables scalable and accurate phylogenetic reconstruction with structural core genes. bioRxiv, 2024.12.22.629535.

Table of Contents

Quick Start with Conda

conda install -c bioconda unicore
unicore -v

GPU acceleration with Foldseek-ProstT5

Foldseek features GPU-acceleration for ProstT5 prediction under following requirements:

  • Turing or newer NVIDIA GPU
  • foldseek ≥10
  • glibc ≥2.17
  • nvidia-driver ≥525.60.13

Apply --gpu option to either easy-core or createdb module to use it, e.g.

unicore easy-core --gpu <INPUT> <OUTPUT> <MODEL> <TMP>


Download sample data

If you are using the conda package, you can download the example dataset from the following link:


If you cloned the repository, you can find the example dataset in the example/data folder.

Download ProstT5 weights

You can preliminarily download the ProstT5 weights required to run the createdb module.

foldseek databases ProstT5 weights tmp

Run the easy-core module

The easy-core module processes all the way from the input proteomes to build the phylogenetic tree based on their structural core genes. Use the following command to run the easy-core module:

unicore easy-core example/data example/results weights tmp

If you have a CUDA-compatible GPU, add --gpu flag to run ProstT5 with GPU acceleration.

Check the results

After running the easy-core module, you can find the results in the example/results folder.

  • proteome folder contains the proteome information parsed from the input files.
  • cluster folder contains the Foldseek clustering result (clust.tsv).
  • profile folder contains the taxonomic profiling results and metadata of defined structural core genes.
  • tree folder contains the results from the phylogenetic inference.

Phylogenetic tree

example/results/tree/iqtree.treefile is the concatenated structural core gene tree represented in Newick format.
Each node in the tree represents a species, labeled with their input proteome file name.

Structural core genes

example/results/tree/fasta folder contains subfolders named after the defined structural core genes.
Each subfolder contains the amino acid sequences (aa.fasta) and their 3Di representations (3di.fasta) of the core genes.


We provide an easy workflow module that automatically runs the all modules in order.

  • easy-core - Easy core gene phylogeny workflow, from fasta files to phylogenetic tree

Unicore has four main modules, which can be run sequentially to infer the phylogenetic tree of the given species.

  • createdb - Create 3Di structural alphabet database from input species
  • cluster - Cluster Foldseek database
  • profile - Taxonomic profiling and core gene identification
  • tree - Phylogenetic inference using structural core genes

Run each module with unicore <module> help to see the detailed usage.


Unicore requires a set of proteomes as input to infer the phylogenetic tree. Please prepare the input proteomes in a folder.
You can also refer to the example dataset in the example/data folder or download it from here.

Note. Currently, proteomes in .fasta format are only supported as an input. We will try to support more types and formats that can represent species.

Example dataset:

└─┬ Proteome1.fasta
  ├ Proteome2.fasta
  └ ProteomeN.fasta

easy-core workflow

easy-core workflow module orchestrates four modules in order, processes all the way from the input proteomes to the phylogenetic tree.

Example command:

// Download ProstT5 weights as below if you haven't already
// foldseek databases ProstT5 /path/to/prostt5/weights tmp
unicore easy-core data results /path/to/prostt5/weights tmp

This will create a results/tree folder with phylogenetic trees built with the structural core genes identified from the input proteomes.

The easy-core module will also create folders named results/proteome, results/cluster, and results/profile with intermediate results for createdb, cluster, and profile module, respectively.



createdb module takes a folder with input species and outputs 3Di structural alphabets predicted with ProstT5.

This module runs much faster with GPU. Please install cuda for GPU acceleration.

To run the module, please use the following command:

unicore createdb data db/proteome_db /path/to/prostt5/weights

This will create a Foldseek database in the db folder.

If you want to select the GPU devices, please use the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable.

  • CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 to use GPU 0 and 1.


cluster module takes a createdb output database, runs Foldseek clustering, and outputs the cluster results.

On default, clustering will be done with 80% bidirectional coverage (-c 0.8).
You can feed custom clustering parameters for Foldseek via --cluster-options option.

Example command:

unicore cluster db/proteome_db out/clu tmp

This will create a clu.tsv output file in the out folder.


profile module takes the database (createdb output) and cluster results (cluster output) to find structural core genes.

On default, the module will report the genes that are present in 80% of the species as a single copy. You can change this threshold by -t option.

Example command:

// 85% coverage
unicore profile -t 85 db/proteome_db out/clu.tsv result

This will create a result folder with the core genes and their occurrences in the species.


tree module takes the core genes and the species proteomes to infer the phylogenetic tree using the alignments of the structural core genes.

On default, alignment will be generated by foldmason and truncated by 50% gap filtering, followed by phylogenetic inference using iqtree.

Example command:

unicore tree db/proteome_db result tree

This will create a tree folder with the resulting phylogenetic trees in Newick format.


gene-tree module takes the output folder of the tree module and infer the phylogenetic tree for each core gene.

Each phylogenetic tree will be saved in the tree/fasta/{gene_name} directory.

On default, the module will reuse the alignment computed from the tree module.

Example command:

unicore gene-tree tree

If you want to recompute the alignment for each core gene, you can add --realign option, which will build and filter the MSA again.

You can also use --name option to provide subset of hashed gene names to infer the phylogenetic tree.

The list of hashed gene names can be created and be used with --name by running the following command:

// Create a list of hashed gene names
awk -F"\t" 'NR==FNR {a[$1];next} ($3 in a) {print $1}' /path/to/original/gene/names db/ > /path/to/hashed/gene/names
// Run gene-tree with the list of hashed gene names
// Also optionally use --realign option to recompute the alignment and --threshold option to filter the MSA
unicore gene-tree --realign --threshold 30 --name /path/to/hashed/gene/names tree

Build from Source

Minimum requirements

Optional requirements

Installation guide

Please install the latest version of Rust from here.

Foldseek can be installed from here.

You have to pre-download the model weights of the ProstT5. Run foldseek databases ProstT5 <dir> tmp to download the weights on <dir>. If this doesn't work, make sure you have the latest version of Foldseek.

Foldmason and IQ-TREE is designated as default tools for alignment and phylogenetic inference. You can download Foldmason from here and IQ-TREE from here.

With these tools installed, you can install and run unicore by:

git clone
cd unicore
cargo build --release
bin/unicore -v


Universal and efficient core gene phylogeny with Foldseek and ProstT5







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