Configures Vim with a focus on Ruby and Rails development and testing. Solarized ALL the things.
The goal is to use tmux + zsh + vim as a Ruby and Rails IDE on OS X. See dotfiles.
git clone [email protected]:stephenmckinney/vimfiles.git ~/.vimfiles
cd ~/.vimfiles && rake install
Next, launch vim and watch it install all plugins.
Follow update instructions for vim-plug.
- Solarized Vim theme with opinionatedly better support for Ruby, Omnicompletion, ShowMarks, Command-T, and CtrlP
- vim-turbux forked to add support for JavaScript commands.
- ultisnips-snippets for Textmate-like snippets that focus on Ruby, Rails, and RSpec & friends
- dochub.vim for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and PHP documentation
Go dumpster diving for more Vim goodness: