This package lets you use the ZED stereo camera with ROS. It outputs the camera's left and right images, depth map, point cloud, and pose information and supports the use of multiple ZED cameras.
Note: The zed_interfaces
package has been removed from this repository and moved to its own zed-ros-interfaces
repository to allow better integration of the ZED Wrapper on remote ground stations that do not require the full package to be installed. To update your repository please follow the new update instructions. For more information please read issue #750.
- First, download the latest version of the ZED SDK on
- Install the ZED ROS wrapper
- For more information, check out our ROS documentation. If you want to customize the wrapper, check the ZED API documentation
- Ubuntu 20.04
- ZED SDK v4.1 and its dependency CUDA
- ROS Noetic
The zed_ros_wrapper is a catkin package. It depends on the following ROS packages:
- roscpp
- image_transport
- rosconsole
- sensor_msgs
- stereo_msgs
- std_msgs
- std_srvs
- message_filters
- tf2_ros
- nodelet
- tf2_geometry_msgs
- message_generation
- diagnostic_updater
- dynamic_reconfigure
- zed_interfaces
Open a terminal, clone the repository, update the dependencies and build the packages:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd ../
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
$ catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ source ./devel/setup.bash
To update the repository to the latest release you must use the following command to retrieve the latest commits of zed-ros-wrapper
and of all the submodules:
$ git checkout master # if you are not on the main branch
$ git pull --recurse-submodules # update recursively all the submodules
Remember to always clean the cache of your catkin workspace before compiling with the catkin_make
command to be sure that everything will work as expected:
$ roscd
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf build devel
$ catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
To launch the ZED node use
ZED camera:
$ roslaunch zed_wrapper zed.launch
ZED Mini camera:
$ roslaunch zed_wrapper zedm.launch
ZED 2 camera:
$ roslaunch zed_wrapper zed2.launch
ZED 2i camera:
$ roslaunch zed_wrapper zed2i.launch
ZED X camera:
$ roslaunch zed_wrapper zedx.launch
ZED X Mini camera:
$ roslaunch zed_wrapper zedxm.launch
To select the camera from its serial number:
$ roslaunch zed_wrapper zed.launch serial_number:=1010 #replace 1010 with the actual SN
Example launch files to start a pre-configured Rviz environment to visualize the data of ZED, ZED Mini, ZED 2, ZED X, and ZED X Mini cameras are provided in the zed-ros-examples
SVO recording can be started and stopped while the ZED node is running using the service start_svo_recording
and the service stop_svo_recording
More information
The SDK v3.0 introduces the Object Detection and Tracking module. The Object Detection module is available only with a ZED 2 camera.
The Object Detection can be enabled automatically when the node start setting the parameter object_detection/od_enabled
to true
in the file common.yaml
The Object Detection can be enabled/disabled manually calling the service enable_object_detection
The Body Tracking module is not available for the ZED ROS Wrapper. Please consider migrating to the ZED ROS2 Wrapper if you need it.
The Spatial Mapping can be enabled automatically when the node start setting the parameter mapping/mapping_enabled
to true
in the file common.yaml
The Spatial Mapping can be enabled/disabled manually calling the services start_3d_mapping
and stop_3d_mapping
The Geo tracking module is not available for the ZED ROS Wrapper. Please consider migrating to the ZED ROS2 Wrapper if you need it.
The ZED node publishes diagnostic information that can be used by the robotic system using a diagnostic_aggregator node.
With the rqt
plugin Runtime monitor
, it is possible to retrieve all the diagnostic information, checking that the node
is working as expected.
For robots moving on a planar surface it is possible to activate the "2D mode" (parameter tracking/two_d_mode
in common.yaml
The value of the coordinate Z for odometry and pose will have a fixed value (parameter tracking/fixed_z_value
in common.yaml
Roll and pitch and relative velocities will be fixed to zero.
Examples and tutorials are provided to better understand how to use the ZED wrapper and how to integrate it in the ROS framework.
See the zed-ros-examples
Alongside the wrapper itself and the Rviz display, a few examples are provided to interface the ZED with other ROS packages :
- RTAB-Map: See zed_rtabmap_example
- ROS Nodelet,
: See zed_nodelet_example - AR Track Alvar: See zed_ar_track_alvar_example
A few tutorials are provided to understand how to use the ZED node in the ROS environment :