This Docker image includes Rakudo Star, which is a Raku compiler distribution that includes MoarVM virtual machine, Rakudo compiler, a suite of modules that users may find useful, and language documentation.
Project homepage:
GitHub repository:
The Dockerfile responsible:
Raku Language Specification:
Raku Language Documentation:
You can build an image from this Dockerfile as indicated below:
$ docker build -t rakudo-star /path_to_dockerfile/
In addition, you can specify the version of Rakudo Star that you want at build time:
$ docker build --build-arg rakudo_version=${DESIRED_VERSION} -t rakudo-star /path_to_dockerfile/
If no version is specified, it will default to the version listed in the Dockerfile. It is recommended that you use the default version.
Running a short-term foreground process with the image will launch a Raku REPL:
$ docker run --rm -it rakudo-star
> say 'Hello, Raku!'
Hello, Raku!
You can also provide raku command line switches to a temporary container:
$ docker run --rm rakudo-star raku -e 'say "Hello!"'
In addition, you can run a script located in the current folder:
$ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/script" rakudo-star raku /script/my_raku_script.raku
is an Official Image on Docker Hub.
To update the rakudo-star
image, make the necessary changes to
Many Raku developers are present on #raku on Freenode
Issues for Rakudo are tracked on