Blanket theme is a theme hand made for Octopress blogging framework. It is compatible with Octopress 2. Updates will be provided from this repository.
You can choose to install as a Git submodule. Or you can download as a zip archive and copy the files manually.
These instructions will create a git submodule under the .themes/blanket directory. From your blog directory, run these commands.
git submodule add git:// .themes/blanket
You should then commit the changes.
git add .themes
git commit -m "added blanket theme"
Next, you should apply the theme to your blog and generate the stylesheets. Follow the install instructions.
If you are more comfortable with just the theme files, you can download our zip archives from the Downloads page.
- Once you have downloaded the package, uncompress the archive.
- Go to your Octopress blog's directory. There should be a hidden directory called .themes.
- Your theme should be a single directory called blanket containing the theme files. Copy the blanket directory to the .themes directory on your Octopress blog's directory.
Next, you should apply the theme to your blog and generate the stylesheets. Follow the install instructions.
From your Octopress blog's directory, assuming your theme directory is called blanket.
cd .themes/blanket
git pull origin master
Next, you should apply the theme to your blog and generate the stylesheets. Follow the install instructions.
It is largely similar to the install process. We want to overwrite the theme with the new files. Lastly, to run install to apply the changes.
- Download the new packages from the Downloads page.
- Once you have downloaded the package, uncompress the archive.
- Go to your Octopress blog's directory. There should be a hidden directory called .themes.
- Your downloaded files should be a single directory called blanket containing the theme files. Copy the blanket directory to the .themes directory on your Octopress blog's directory.
Next, you should apply the theme to your blog and generate the stylesheets. Follow the install instructions.
From your Octopress blog's directory,
Remove the theme entry from the .gitmodules file. The entry should look like this:
[submodule ".themes/blanket"]
path = .themes/blanket
url =
Remove the theme from the .git/config file. The entry should look like this:
[submodule ".themes/blanket"]
url =
Remove the theme files with Git.
git rm --cached .themes/blanket
Your files should be removed. If you want to go back to using the default theme, follow the Octopress default theme install instructions.
From your Octopress blog's directory,
- Remove the blanket directory from .themes/blanket.
- Follow the Octopress default theme install instructions.
Follow this set of instructions whenever you made a new install or update to your themes.
rake install[blanket]
rake generate
Take a look at the changes using the in built Octopress local server at http://localhost:4000
rake preview
If everything looks ok, deploy it.
rake deploy
If the fonts don't look cursive like the screenshot, it means the stylesheet compiler did not compile correctly. Try adding a blank line in any of the stylesheets to trick the compiler to thinking things changed. Then run
rake generate
Follow this set of instructions when you want to install the default Octopress theme. It is largely similar to the instructions for installing a new theme. Only the name of the theme has changed.
rake install[classic]
rake generate
Take a look at the changes using the in built Octopress local server at http://localhost:4000
rake preview
If everything looks ok, deploy it
rake deploy
Should you have any problems, raise an issue on this repository.
Octopress themes is not affiliated with the official Octopress project.
A link to Octopress themes has been added to the footer. You can remove it if you want to.
More themes are available on Octopress themes. Feel free to take a look.
Copyright © 2012. Wong Liang Zan. MIT License