Welcome to freeOnionHNScrapper!
Is a toy app example which is inspired by:
John A De Goes article "Modern Functional Programming: Part 2" http://degoes.net/articles/modern-fp-part-2
implementation of that article ideas https://github.com/notxcain/onion-architecure
Basically this code doing Hacker News scrapping by getting list of news, filtered it by score and saved result data to H2 db file (and logging some operation to file).
Goal of this project demonstrate composition of free monad DSLs at minimal reasonable practical context (by using Cats and Freek libraries).
DSLs defined as:
sealed trait CoreDSL[A]
object CoreDSL {
case class GetYCNews(url: String) extends CoreDSL[NonEmptyList[PieceOfNews]]
case class Filter(list: NonEmptyList[PieceOfNews], p: PieceOfNews => Boolean)
extends CoreDSL[NonEmptyList[PieceOfNews]]
sealed trait DbDSL[A]
object DbDSL {
case class Save(items: NonEmptyList[PieceOfNews]) extends DbDSL[Unit]
Basic composition of DSLs looks like this (it produced CoProduct):
type CoreAndDbDSL = CoreDSL :|: DbDSL :|: NilDSL
val CoreAndDbDSL = DSL.Make[CoreAndDbDSL]
Free program defined as:
def program(url: String, minScore: Int) = {
for {
list <- CoreDSL.GetYCNews(url).freek[CoreAndDbDSL]
filtered <- CoreDSL.Filter(list, _.points >= minScore).freek[CoreAndDbDSL]
_ <- DbDSL.Save(filtered).freek[CoreAndDbDSL]
} yield filtered
Some part of app may be implemented in terms of other Free program. Key for this is a
interpreter with replace
and transpile
operations (provided by Freek lib.).
val transpileNat = CopKNat[CoreAndDbDSL.Cop].replace(HttpSubProgram.transpiler)
val freeProgram = MainProgram.program("https://news.ycombinator.com", 10).transpile(transpileNat)
type HTTPDSL = HttpDSL :|: NilDSL
// this is our transpiler transforming a CoreDSL into another free program
val transpiler = new (CoreDSL ~> Free[HTTPDSL.Cop, ?]) {
def apply[A](f: CoreDSL[A]): Free[HTTPDSL.Cop, A] = f match {
case CoreDSL.GetYCNews(url) =>
for {
s <- HttpReq(url).freek[HTTPDSL]
r <- Parse(s).freek[HTTPDSL]
} yield r
case CoreDSL.Filter(l, p) =>
for {
r <- JustReturn(NonEmptyList.fromListUnsafe(l.filter(p))).freek[HTTPDSL]
} yield r
Interpreters defined like this:
val dbDsl2Task = new (DbDSL ~> Task) {
def apply[A](fa: DbDSL[A]): Task[A] = fa match {
case DbDSL.Save(items) =>
Composition and usage of interpreters:
val finalInterpreter = dbDsl2Task :&: httpWLog2Task
val finalProgram: Task[NonEmptyList[PieceOfNews]] = freeProgram.interpret(finalInterpreter)
Different kind of interpreters composition is possible by ignoring/combining results of few interpreters inside new one:
// it merging http2log and http2task by ignoring (http2log->log2task) result
val httpWLog2Task = new (HttpDSL ~> Task) {
override def apply[A](fa: HttpDSL[A]): Task[A] = {
for {
_ <- httpDsl2log(fa).unconst.foldMap(logDsl2Task)
r <- httpDsl2Task(fa)
} yield r
To view db content you may use sbt h2ConsoleTask
which will launch web ui on some local port
(usually is a http://localhost:8082)
(use url like jdbc:h2:file:./db/default
without username and password).
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This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.