A utility that helps to prepare print-ready booklet pdf. Currently support non-encrypted PDF ONLY.
- Merge two pages into one page for print in bookbinding order.
- Chop pages with mediaBox/chopBox/trimBox/BleedBox/ArtBox, or customized area according to your need.
- Split page into two half pages.
- Show different kinds of boxes.
npm install -g pdfbookhelper
git clone https://github.com/studenttwok/pdfbookhelper
cd pdfbookhelper
npm run test
npm run build
npm run dev
You can use this helper in CLI
npx pdfbookhelper
For arguments please refer to the help. Here are some examples:
npx pdfbookhelper info input.pdf
npx pdfbookhelper merge input.pdf output.pdf
npx pdfbookhelper chop input.pdf output.pdf bleedBox
npx pdfbookhelper half input.pdf output.pdf -rf -rl
npx pdfbookhelper rearrange input.pdf output.pdf 1-3 5,6,8 9
npx pdfbookhelper appeend input.pdf input2.pdf output.pdf
npx pdfbookhelper rotate input.pdf output.pdf 90
Import the library by
const { getPagesBoxInfo, mergeForPrint, chopPages, halfTheWholePages, rearrangePages, appendPages, rotatePages } = require("pdfbookhelper");
- getPagesBoxInfo (async)
- mergeForPrint (asyn)
- chopPages (async)
- halfTheWholePages (async)
- rearrangePages (async)
- appendPages (async)
- rotatePages (async)
await getPagesBoxInfo(
inputFilename: string, filepath of the input PDF
Get boxes of pages
Return an array of boxes andd orientation angle (degree) of each page in page order.
mediaBox: {x:0, y:0, width:100, height:100 },
chopBox: {x:0, y:0, width:100, height:100 },
trimBox: {x:0, y:0, width:100, height:100 },
bleedBox: {x:0, y:0, width:100, height:100 },
artBox: {x:0, y:0, width:100, height:100 },
angle: 0,
await mergeForPrint(
bleedingX = 0,
bleedingY = 0
Create pdf with pages in book order
inputFilename: string, filepath of the input PDF
outputFileName: string, filepath of the output PDF
bleedingX: width offset of the page that you want to crop away during merge process
bleedingY: height offset of the page that you want to crop away during merge process
Input PDF Content: [A],[B],[C],[D],[E],[F],[G],[H]
Output PDF Contet: [HA],[BG],[FC],[DE]
await chopPages(
Chop pages with specific area
inputFilename: string, filepath of the input PDF
outputFileName: string, filepath of the output PDF
cropBox: Either string of "artBox", "bleedBox", "cropBox", "trimBox", "mediaBox", or object with the following structure {x, y, width, height}
await halfTheWholePages(
retainFirst = false,
retainLast = false
Split page into two half pages
inputFilename: string, filepath of the input PDF
outputFileName: string, filepath of the output PDF
retainFirst: boolean, whether we keep first page unchanged in the process
retainLast: boolean, whether we keep last page unchanged in the process
Input PDF Content: [AB],[CD],[EF],[GH]
Output PDF Contet: [A],[B],[C],[D],[E],[F],[G],[H]
await rearrangePages(
rearrangedSequence = [],
Rearrange pages of PDF
inputFilename: string, filepath of the input PDF
outputFileName: string, filepath of the output PDF
rearrangedSequence: array of integer, page Numbers(1-based), in desired order
Input PDF Content: [A],[B],[C],[D],[E],[F],[G],[H]
Input rearrangedSequence: [1,3,3,4,2]
Output PDF Contet: [A],[C],[C],[D],[B]
await appendPages(
toHead = false,
Merge two input pdf files and save as a new file
inputFilename: string, filepath of the input PDF
inputFilename2: string, filepath of another input PDF
outputFileName: string, filepath of the output PDF
toHead: boolean, whether the content of inputFilename2 should be insert into head
Input PDF Content: [A],[B],[C],[D]
Input PDF Content2: [E],[F],[G],[H]
Input toHead : true
Output PDF Contet: [E],[F],[G],[H],[A],[B],[C],[D]
await rotatePages(
pageSequence = [],
Rotate specified pages in 90/180/270 degrees clockwise
inputFilename: string, filepath of the input PDF
outputFileName: string, filepath of the output PDF
degree: integer, degree of clockwise rotation, either 90, 180, 270.
pageSequence: array of integer, page Numbers(1-based) of which want the rotation applied on. If the array is empty, rotate all pages.
Input PDF Orientation: [90], [0], [90], [90]
Input degree: 180
Input pageSequence: [2]
Output PDF Orientation: [90] , [180], [90], [90]
- PDF-LIB (https://pdf-lib.js.org/)
- Commander.js (https://github.com/tj/commander.js)
- jest (https://jestjs.io/)
- rollup (https://rollupjs.org/)
- rollup-plugin-terser (https://rollupjs.org/)
Please report. If you would like to contribute, PR is welcome.