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Wordle 3.0 - Blockchain Edition

Wordle 3.0 is a blockchain-based version of the classic Wordle game, built for Web3. Players use a custom ERC20 token to make guesses, combining blockchain technology with an interactive web interface.

Table of Contents


  • Blockchain Integration: Powered by Wagmi and RainbowKit, the game ensures wallet connections and Ethereum interactions.
  • Tokenized Gameplay: Players use a custom ERC20 token, WordleToken (WTK), to participate in the game.
  • Secure Transactions: All token transactions, including minting, approving tokens and making guesses, are securely handled using OpenZeppelin standards.
  • Dynamic Letter Feedback: Players receive feedback for each guess after making a transaction, highlighting correct, misplaced and incorrect letters.
  • Admin Updates Words: Admins can set new words, resetting the game state for all players.
  • Responsive Frontend Design: Built with Joy UI and optimized for consistent styling across devices.

Tech Stack

Smart Contracts

  • Solidity: Used to write the smart contracts for game logic and token management.
  • OpenZeppelin: Provides secure and reusable libraries for implementing ERC20 standards.
  • Foundry: Used for testing and deploying smart contracts.


  • React + Vite: React is used to build the interface, and Vite ensures fast development and optimized builds.
  • TypeScript: Adds type safety and improves code maintainability.
  • Wagmi & RainbowKit: Simplifies wallet connections and blockchain interactions.
  • Joy UI: Provides a responsive and modern component library for styling.
  • Framer Motion: Adds animations small animations.
  • React Toastify: Displays quick notifications for game events and contract interactions.

Script Management

  • Node.js: Automates contract deployments and manages server processes.
  • dotenv: Stores environment variables securely for configuration.
  • Anvil & Sepolia: Blockchain networks for local development (Anvil) and public testnet deployment (Sepolia).

Project Structure

Folder Structure

├── contract/               # Solidity smart contracts and tests
│   ├── contracts/          # Contract source files
│   ├── script/             # Deployment scripts
│   ├── test/               # Contract tests
│   ├── .env                # Contract environment variables
├── frontend/               # React frontend
│   ├── public/             # Public assets
│   ├── src/                # Frontend source code
├── scripts/                # Automation scripts for development and deployment
├── .env                    # Root environment variables
├── package.json            # Root dependencies and scripts
└──               # Documentation

Main Contract Files

  • WordleToken.sol: ERC20 token used in the game for making guesses.
  • WordleGame.sol: Manages game logic, including guesses and feedback.

Main Frontend Files

  • HomePage: Manages token minting and wallet connection.
  • GamePage: Handles the main gameplay logic.
  • GameAdmin: Allows the admin to set new words and reset the game state.
  • GameApprove: Handles token approval required for gameplay.
  • GameGuess: Displays the grid of guesses and their feedback statuses.
  • GameKeyboard: Displays the virtual keyboard for entering guesses.

Project Setup Instructions


  • Node.js (v22.13.0)
  • Foundry (for contract development)
  • MetaMask or any compatible Ethereum wallet

Environment Variables

Create .env files in the root and /contract directories with the following variables (you can also refer to the .env.example files provided in these directories):

Root Environment Variables:


Contract Environment Variables:



  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd wordle3.0
  1. Install dependencies - run this custom build script from the root directory to install all dependencies, build the contracts and prepare the frontend:
npm run build
  1. Start the development server - run this custom script from the root to start Anvil, deploy contracts and launch the frontend:
npm run dev


  1. Smart Contracts - run Foundry tests:
cd contract
forge test
  1. Frontend - currently, no frontend tests are implemented.

How It Works

  1. Mint Tokens:
    • Players can mint the game's token for free to play the game. Each mint provides 10 WTK, up to a maximum of 100 WTK per player (currently).
  2. Approve Tokens:
    • Players must approve the game contract to spend their tokens. Each approval allows the game to use up to 5 WTK.
  3. Make Guesses:
    • Each guess deducts 1 WTK from the player’s balance.
    • Players receive feedback for their guesses:
      • Green: Correct letter and position.
      • Yellow: Correct letter, wrong position.
      • Gray: Incorrect letter.
  4. Set Word:
    • Only admins can set a new word for the game, which resets the game state for all players.

Potential Features

  • On-Chain Profiles: Implement profiles for players that are stored and managed directly on the blockchain.
  • Analytics: Provide players with detailed stats and insights on their current and previous plays.
  • Rewards: Introduce token rewards for correct guesses, scaled by the number of attempts.
  • Leaderboard: Track and display top players based on performance.
  • Multi-Network Support: Expand compatibility to additional networks.



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