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Sparqlight is a blacklight application; it replaces the Solr index documents with SPARQL results from graph queries.
Sparqlight changes the database configuration, replacing Solr with a SPARQL endpoint, e.g.
# config/blacklight.yml
adapter: Sparql
url: <%= ENV['SPARQL_URL'] %>
repository: "mongo"
collection: "nomisma_full"
test: &test
adapter: Sparql
repository: "mongo"
collection: "nomisma"
adapter: Sparql
url: <%= ENV['SPARQL_URL'] || "" %>
Sparqlite replaces a :solr_documents
with a :sparql_documents
resources :sparql_documents, only: [:show], path: '/catalog', controller: 'catalog' do
concerns :exportable
#resources :solr_documents, only: [:show], path: '/catalog', controller: 'catalog' do
# concerns :exportable
Sparqlight changes the default blacklight configuration, including:
# app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb
configure_blacklight do |config|
# Class for sending and receiving requests from a search index
# sparqlite removes: config.repository_class = Blacklight::Solr::Repository
config.repository_class = Blacklight::Sparql::Repository
# Model that describes a Document
config.document_model = ::SparqlDocument
# Model that maps search index responses to the blacklight response model
# sparqlite removes: config.response_model = Blacklight::Solr::Response
config.response_model = Blacklight::Sparql::Response
# Sparqlite removes:
# Default parameters to send to solr for all search-like requests....
# config.default_solr_params = { ... }
# etc.
Sparqlite adds SPARQL prefixes and jsonld contexts, e.g.
# app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb
configure_blacklight do |config|
# etc.
# Prefix definition for SPARQL queries
config.sparql_prefixes = {
skos: "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#",
dcterms: "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
# etc.
config.entity_class = "nmo:Denomination"
# JSON-LD frame used for generating response documents
config.frame = JSON.parse %({
"@context": {
"nmo": "http://nomisma.org/ontology#",
"skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#",
"dcterms": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
"skos:prefLabel": {"@language": "en"},
"skos:definition": {"@language": "en"}
"@type": "nmo:Denomination",
"dcterms:isPartOf": {
"@type": "nmo:FieldOfNumismatics"
# etc.
Sparqlite modifies the configuration for facet fields.
Facet fields, may be bound when querying
- field name is predicate or other distinguishing identifier
used for human-readible form label -
is the SPARQL variable associated with the field -
(optional) are SPARQL triple patterns necessary to navigate between?id
. Defaults to a pattern composed of?id
. -
defaults to field name, but may be set separately if multiple fields use the same predicate (i.e., in different entities) -
set to true, if the configured language should be used as a filter for the variable result if it is a language-tagged literal.
# app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb
configure_blacklight do |config|
# etc.
config.add_facet_field 'num_label',
label: 'Numismatics',
variable: "?num_lab",
patterns: [
"?id dcterms:isPartOf ?num",
"?num a nmo:FieldOfNumismatics",
"?num skos:prefLabel ?num_lab"
filter_language: true
Sparqlite modifies the configuration for index fields.
Sparql fields to be displayed in the index (search results) view. The ordering of the field names is the order of the display.
- field name is predicate or other distinguishing identifier
is the SPARQL variable associated with the field -
defaults to field name, but may be set separately if multiple fields use the same predicate (i.e., in different entities) -
(optional) are SPARQL triple patterns necessary to navigate between?id
. They default to using the field name as the predicate relating?id
. These are also used in CONSTRUCT when generating RDF triples to frame. -
set to true, if the configured language should be used as a filter for the variable result if it is a language-tagged literal.
# app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb
configure_blacklight do |config|
# etc.
# Sparql fields to be displayed in the index (search results) view.
# The ordering of the field names is the order of the display.
config.add_index_field 'skos:prefLabel', label: 'Label', variable: "?lab", filter_language: true
config.add_index_field 'skos:definition', label: 'Definition', variable: "?defn", filter_language: true
config.add_index_field 'num_label',
field: 'dcterms:isPartOf',
helper_method: 'render_numismatics',
label: 'Numismatics',
variable: "?num_lab",
patterns: [
"?id dcterms:isPartOf ?num",
"?num a nmo:FieldOfNumismatics",
"?num skos:prefLabel ?num_lab"
filter_language: true
# etc.
Sparqlite modifies the configuration for show fields:
# app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb
configure_blacklight do |config|
# etc.
# Sparql fields to be displayed in the show (single result) view
# The ordering of the field names is the order of the display
config.add_show_field 'skos:prefLabel', label: 'Label', variable: "?lab", filter_language: true
config.add_show_field 'skos:definition', label: 'Definition', variable: "?defn", filter_language: true
config.add_show_field 'num_label',
field: 'dcterms:isPartOf',
helper_method: 'render_numismatics',
label: 'Numismatics',
variable: "?num_lab",
patterns: [
"?id dcterms:isPartOf ?num",
"?num a nmo:FieldOfNumismatics",
"?num skos:prefLabel ?num_lab"
filter_language: true
# etc.
Sparqlite modifies the configuration for search fields.
Sparqlite adds a CONTAINS
filter on the specified variable.
field name
is predicate or other distinguishing identifier -
is one or more SPARQL variables associated with the fields to search -
(optional) are SPARQL triple patterns necessary to filter for matching triples. -
defaults to field name, but may be set separately if multiple fields use the same predicate (i.e., in different entities) -
(optional) are SPARQL triple patterns necessary filter results based on the search term. Defaults to"FILTER(CONTAINS(%{variable}, '%{term}'))"
, there%{lab_term}
is substituted in the. where multiple variables are CONCATenated
# app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb
configure_blacklight do |config|
# etc.
# "fielded" search configuration. Used by pulldown among other places.
# For supported keys in hash, see rdoc for Blacklight::SearchFields
config.add_search_field('all_fields') do |field|
field.label = 'All Fields'
field.default = true
field.variable = %w(?lab ?defn ?num_lab)
field.patterns = ["FILTER(CONTAINS(STR(CONCAT(?lab, ?defn, ?num_lab)), '%{q}'))"]
config.add_search_field('label') do |field|
field.label = 'Label'
field.variable = "?lab"
field.patterns = ["FILTER(CONTAINS(STR(?lab), '%{q}'))"]
# etc.
# app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb
configure_blacklight do |config|
# etc.
# "sort results by" select (pulldown)
# label in pulldown is followed by the name of the SPARQL variable to sort by and
# whether the sort is ascending or descending (it must be asc or desc
# except in the relevancy case).
config.add_sort_field '?lab asc', label: 'Label'
config.add_sort_field '?defn asc', label: 'Definition'
# etc.