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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


To run a task:

In the tasks/ directory there are rake tasks to run specific data and/or settings loads into FOLIO. You can search them by keyword using rake -AT keyword, e.g.:

rake -AT inventory
rake inventory:load_alt_title_types  # load alternative title types into folio
rake inventory:load_item_note_types  # load item note types into folio
rake inventory:load_material_types   # load material types into folio

Run a rake task using rake:

rake namespace:name_of_task


In the config/settings folder, create or modify dev.yml and orig.yml to specify the connection information for a target instance of folio (dev or uat) and optionally a source instance of folio (orig) and set the login info for the FOLIO Superuser.


    X-Okapi-Tenant: sul
    User-Agent: FolioApiClient
    username: admin
    password: admin_pass

tsv: tsv
tsv_orders: tsv/acquisitions/orders
json: json

Server Configuration

After deploying folio-tasks to the server, pull in the configuration from vault:

  • Log in using OIDC:
vault login -method oidc
  • Get the settings from vault:
vault kv get -field=content puppet/application/folio-tasks/config/settings/prod > config/settings/prod.yml
  • Upload the config as part of the capistrano deployment:
cap prod deploy deploy:config


The tsv setting is to specify the directory that contains the tsv source files for loading. This is important for running the tests where the tsv source files are mock files in the spec/fixtures/tsv folder.

When you run the scripts or rake tasks, the default environment is dev. If you want to use a different yaml file (to connect to a different instance of folio) you can prepend a different STAGE environment to the command line call. For example, if you have a local.yml file in config/settings, you can call a script or rake task like so:


STAGE=local ruby bin/folio_get.rb '/users'


STAGE=local rake load_user_settings

Migrating data

Get TSV and XML data from saved files

Copy all the the contents recursively from the external Migration files tsv, and xml folders into the corresponding folders locally in this project.

Get JSON data from a running FOLIO instance

Use the STAGE=orig rake pull_all_json_data to pull json from a folio instance defined in a config/settings/orig.json yaml file. This will include the following json files and save them to both the json/ and spec/fixtures/json/ folder:

  • users/fee_fine_owners.json
  • users/fee_fine_manual_charges.json
  • users/payments.json
  • users/permission_sets.json
  • users/refunds.json
  • users/waivers.json
  • data-import-profiles/actionProfiles.json
  • data-import-profiles/jobProfiles.json
  • data-import-profiles/mappingProfiles.json
  • circulation/circulation-rules.json
  • circulation/fixed-due-date-schedules.json
  • circulation/loan-policies.json
  • circulation/overdue-fines-policies.json
  • circulation/lost-item-fees-policies.json
  • circulation/patron-notice-policies.json
  • circulation/patron-notice-templates.json
  • circulation/cancellation-reasons.json
  • circulation/request-policies.json
  • courses/terms.json
  • courses/departments.json
  • configurations/.json (not saved to spec/fixtures/json)

Run tests to verify the validity of the downloaded files

  • rspec spec/users
  • rspec spec/data_import
  • rspec spec/circulation
  • rspec spec/courses

It may be necessary to replace the spec/fixtures/support files with new ones from the repo if the json schema tests fail.

Loading TSV Users

  • To get a tsv file with headers of Symphony user records to convert to FOLIO json, run this command on the Symphony server on a collection of user keys:


cat univ_id.keys | sort -u | seluser -iU 2>/dev/null | sed '1s;^;BARCODE|UNIV_ID|NAME|ADDR_LINE1|ADDR_LINE2|CITY|STATE|ZIP|EMAIL|PRIV_GRANTED|PRIV_EXPIRED\n;' | pipe2tsv > tsv_users.tsv

Then copy the tsv_users.tsv file to the tsv folder and run the load_tsv-users rake task.

Loading Permission Sets

  • To get all of the permission sets (filter out the regular permissions) use the mutable==true query:
ruby bin/folio_get_json.rb '/perms/permissions?length=10000&query=(mutable==true)' } | jq 'del(.totalRecords) | del(.permissions[] .childOf, .permissions[] .grantedTo, .permissions[] .dummy, .permissions[] .deprecated, .permissions[] .metadata)' > json/users/permission_sets.orig.json
  • To sort the permission sets pulled from an orig version (because there are nested permission dependencies):
cat json/users/permission_sets.json | jq '[.["permissions"][] | {permissionName: .permissionName, displayName: .displayName, id: .id, tags: .tags, subPermissions: .subPermissions, mutable: .mutable, visible: .visible}] | sort_by(.displayName)' | sed '1s;^;{"permissions": ;' | sed '$s;$;};' > json/users/permission_sets_sorted.json

mv json/users/permission_sets_sorted.json json/users/permission_sets.json

Manually adding permissions for a user

Get the user's id by doing:

result=$(ruby bin/folio_cql_json.rb 'users' 'username==edge_conn' | jq -r '.["users"][0].id')

...and then search for the user permissions id:

ID=$(ruby bin/folio_cql_json.rb 'perms/users' "userId==${result}" | jq -r '.["permissionUsers"][0].id')

then do a folio POST with json containing one or more permissions, e.g.:

ruby bin/folio_post.rb "perms/users/${ID}/permissions" json/users/one_permission.json


  "permissionName": "someperms.get"


ruby bin/folio_post_array.rb "perms/users/${ID}/permissions" json/users/array_of_permissions.json

Loading Orders

The prepare_orders and load_orders_and_tags rake tasks should be run from the Symphony server since the tasks need tsv, yaml, and json files that are generated there.

  1. Run /s/SUL/Bin/folio_symphony_extract/acquisitions/orders/run_reports.ksh to get current order data for migration from Symphony.
  2. Copy the order_type_map.tsv and sym_hldg_code_location_map.tsv files from the FOLIO Ops shared drive to the Settings.tsv_orders directory.
  3. Delete the yaml and json files in the Settings.yaml.* and Settings.json_orders.* directories, using the tasks orders:delete_*_order_yaml and orders:delete_*_order_json.
  4. Process the Symphony order tsv data and transform to FOLIO order json by running STAGE=prod rake prepare_orders. Use the appropriate STAGE for whichever environment the orders will be loaded to so the UUIDs are created for the correct environment.
  5. Load orders to FOLIO using STAGE=prod rake load_orders_and_tags. This is a long-running task, so it is best to run it in a screen session on the Symphony server.
  6. After inventory is loaded, we need to link the po lines to inventory by using the STAGE=prod rake orders:link_po_lines_to_inventory[sul] and STAGE=prod rake orders:link_po_lines_to_inventory[law].

Using screen session

From /s/SUL/Bin/folio-tasks/current start a screen session with screen -S order-load. In the screen session, run rake -T orders to see the available tasks related to orders. Run the load_orders task with pool size as argument, e.g. { date; STAGE=prod rake load_orders[1]; date; } > ~/load_orders.log 2>&1. To detach from screen: ctrl + a, d. To re-attach to screen, screen -r ${screen session name}. To list screens, screen -ls. To remove the screen session use screen -S {} -p 0 -X quit

App user for edge_connexion, edge_sip2

After running the rake tsv_users:load_app_users task, assign the permission sets using rake tsv_users:assign_app_user_psets.

Development notes

When a new task is created add the task definition to the Rakefile and also to the load_new_data_and_settings array if the task is something that should be loaded into a new instance of FOLIO.

Generic CRUD operations

In the bin/ directory there are generic scripts to do a GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.

For example, for a GET:

ruby bin/folio_get.rb '/users'
  [ ... ],
 "resultInfo"=>{"totalRecords"=>2, "facets"=>[], "diagnostics"=>[]}}

For a POST:

ruby bin/folio_post.rb '/configurations/entries' 'json/configurations/SMTP_SERVER.json'


Migration and data-loading tasks for FOLIO







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