Under the controllers folder I created 2 controllers that solve this problem:
- The simple/Rails approachapp/controllers/shortner/enterprise/urls_controller.rb
a more enterprise approach(not finished, but working)
The simple controller uses Rails methods to create a short URL, while the enterprise controller uses a service object(a transaction) to create a short URL and contracts to validate the input.
When you open up the root path of the application you will see 2 optons:
- Simple URL Shortner
- Enterprise URL Shortner
Whichever you chose the result is going to be the same, but the way it was implemented is different.
The possible amount of slugs is (26(lowercase letters) + 26(upper case letters) + 10(digits from 0 to 9))^6 = 56^6 = 19,770,609,664 possible slugs.
When creating a short url you will see this form:
- Original - the original URL that you want to shorten(required field)
- Slug - the slug that you want to use(optional field, if left empty a random slug will be generated)