This React JS project is a single-page app which uses the Spotify Web API to display a vinyl wall of your top songs with Implicit Grant flow as the authorization method.
I was inspired to create it by my best friend, who gave me a vinyl in the middle of a road with heavy traffic a day before he left for another country for his undergrad and then refused to share his address so I could return the favor. I WILL HAVE THE LAST LAUGH!!
It has 4 time-frames:
- Recently: Your most recent songs
- Short Term: ~ 4 weeks
- Medium Term: ~ 6 months
- Long Term: ~ 1 year
It also allows you to download an image of your vinyl wall.
Please note that I have not yet tested it on multiple displays so there's a chance it might look wonky.
Happy brat summer!
- Flip-through Vinyl Shelf
- Add paginated support
- Three.js wall