Dead simple file uploads for Meteor backed by SmartFile file hosting platform
meteor-smartfile can be installed with Meteorite. From inside a Meteorite-managed app:
$ mrt add smartfile
Before using this package, you must have a free SmartFile Developers account (signup here).
Configuration is achieved through the configure method:
var sfInstance = new SmartFile();
key: "SmartFile API key",
password: "SmartFile API password",
basePath: "uploads",
publicRootUrl: ""
basePath is optional and defines the root directory on SmartFile the package will use for read and write operations. If not specified, the root directory on SmartFile will be used.
publicRootUrl is optional, it must be a
URL of a SmartFile link
pointing to your basePath.
Links are useful for public access (i.e. the browser fetching uploaded files on SmartFile),
they can be created through the UI or via the REST API.
Client side configuration is identical to the server, but only the publicRootUrl field is processed.
sfInstance.upload(file, {
fileName: "myupload.jpg", //optional, overrides
path: "uploads" //optional, path of storage of the upload relative to basePath
}, function (err, res){
if (err) {
console.log("upload failed", err);
// Log the public URL of the upload
console.log("Upload public URL:" + sfInstance.resolvePublic(res));
// Used to validate upload, options is the 2nd argument of the `upload()` client call
// If it returns false, the upload will be halted and a Meteor.Error with status 403 will be thrown
sfInstance.allow = function (options) {
return options.path === "uploads";
// Callbacks for upload success or failure
// result contains statusCode returned by SmartFile API and path corresponding to the upload
sfInstance.onUpload = function (result, options) {
console.log("File uploaded to " + result.path);
sfInstance.onUploadFail = function (error, options) {
console.log("SmartFile returned error", error.statusCode, error.detail);
// Creates the uploads/images directory if it does not exist, throws an error otherwise
// Lists the files within the uploads directory"uploads");
// Remove a remote file...
Internally, meteor-smartfile defines a Meteor method invoking sfInstance.onIncomingFile(data, options)
whenever a client calls upload()
and the server allow()
callback returns true.
The default implementation performs the following operation:
sfInstance.onIncomingFile = function (data, options) {
// upload the Buffer data to SmartFile, options);
It can be overriden in order to tweak the upload contents, as the data parameter is a Node.js Buffer instance.
A real-world usage would be resizing a received image in 3 sizes and upload them
to SmartFile via 3 calls to