Enable this bundle to index all your pages in Algolia.
composer require arsthanea/kunstmaan-algolia-bundle
- Use
in yourAppKernel
- Configure the Algolia Client
# app/config/config.yml
app_id: …
app_secret: …
public_key: … (optional)
It just works out of the box. ;) Whenever something is indexed in the default ElasticSearch, it also gets indexed in Algolia.
Use algolia_settings()
twig function to setup the JS client:
<script type="text/javascript">
{* algolia_settings will return three keys: id, key and index: *}
var settings = {{ algolia_settings()|json_encode|raw }};
var client = algoliasearch(settings.id, settings.key);
var index = client.initIndex(settings.index);