Collection of helper functions to add some features to MapLibre GL JD (Mapbox GL JS) related to Teritorio Map Style.
- border: Select and switch borders point of view according to different countries definition.
- building3d: Select and switch the way to display building in 3D or not.
- poiFilter: Set initial display of POIs by thematic.
- poiFilter: Change display of POIs by thematic.
For languages switch use openmaptiles-gl-language .
The project is bundled in several formats so you can use it everywhere.
If you don't know what format is better for you, choose UMD ;)
To use in your HTML files:
<script type="text/javascript">
teritorio.icon(/* ... */);
To import the library in your bundled project:
import { icon } from '@teritorio/map'
icon(/* ... */)
<script type="module">
import { icon } from '';
icon(/* ... */);
Requires maplibre-gl-js or older mapbox-gl-js >= v1.10.1 and < 2.0.0.
Please see the contribution guide.