Simple Way to create backups for Nextcloud. Ability to backup both the nextcloud directory and database automatically using cronjob. Tired of manually creating backups. This is a simple answer, the script can be runned manually or automatically.
Backups are all stored by day and time, incase multiple backups are created in a day.
- ~/nextcloud_backups/YYYY-M-D/HTM
- ~/nextcloud_backups/2024-01-01/12T47
All requirements will be installed automatically if not found
- PV
- mysqldump
- rsync
- zip
- OS: Ubuntu/Debian
First you will need root access to the server. EUID 0 (/root/) Clone the script into your /root/ directory (~/ == /root/)
git clone
cd nextcloud-backup-script
chmod +x
# to run the script manually all you need to do is.
# or
# Example USAGE for nextcloud install location /var/www/html
# backup dir will be stored in /root/ to avoid unwanted access
./ /var/www/html /root/nextcloud_backups
The above will automate the html directory zip as well as the database backup.
Bellow cronjob will backup the directory as well as the database every 7 days
* * 7 * * cd ~/nextcloud-backup-script && /bin/bash /var/www/html /root/nextcloud_backups > /dev/null 2>&1