A Neovim color scheme designed for optimal readability and visual comfort, leveraging modern color science to ensure accessibility across diverse environments.
moonwalk is a code highlighting theme that prioritizes perceptual accessibility through two advanced algorithms:
- APCA (Accessible Perceptual Contrast Algorithm): Dynamically adjusts foreground/background contrast for human visual perception.
- CIEDE2000 Color-Difference Formula: Ensures perceptually uniform color differentiation between syntax elements.
Built for developers who value both aesthetics and eye comfort, this theme maintains readability in varying lighting conditions and minimizes visual fatigue during extended coding sessions.
- Enhanced Readability
- Treesitter, lsp, and diagnostic highlights
- Terminal color
- Lualine support
- Extra configurations for other applications
Install via your preferred package manager then enable the theme.
vim.o.background = 'light'
transparent = false, -- Boolean, default: false. Toggle transparency.
terminal_color = true, -- Boolean, default: true. Toggle terminal color.
Open a GitHub Issue for:
Perceptual contrast problems
Color differentiation ambiguities
Highlight group inconsistencies
Ensure changes pass accessibility tests: make test