- In PHPStorm, navigate to File > Settings Repository...
- Set the upstream URL to [email protected]:thereference/phpstorm-settings.git
- Press overwrite local.
NOTE: Assumes a standard setup: Mac OSX with homebrew installed.
The following PhpStorm plugins are installed:
- .ignore - support for the .gitignore files
- BashSupport - support for .sh bash scripts
- Drupal Symfony Bridge - Symfony + Drupal ❤️
- PHP Annotations
- PHP composer.json support - enhanced composer support
- SvgViewer 2 - SVG!
- Symfony Plugin
- Install Drupal coder:
composer global require drupal/coder
- Register the Drupal and DrupalPractice coding standards with PHPCS:
phpcs --config-set installed_paths ~/.composer/vendor/drupal/coder/coder_sniffer
- Test that it works:
phpcs -i
. It should include DrupalPractice and Drupal coding standards.
It is recommended to simply let PHP_CodeSniffer fix the errors that can be automated. Simply change to the root of the
custom code and run drupalcbf .