I am building TokenTalk for Bitcoin Startup Lab's Bitcoin Olympics Hackathon!
TokenTalk is a BRC-20 token social forum where users can rate, chat about, and observe metrics for their favorite BRC-20 tokens!
The project utilizes React, CoinGecko Public APIs, Bootstrap..and includes chatbox, account management, and search navigation features.
Check out the video demo here
Production Ready verison coming soon! Check out the the initial protoptye for for now. Note this is not only an initial prototype and certain key functionality is not yet built!
Follow these steps to set up and run TokenTalk on your local machine:
- Download the project repository by either downloading the zip file or using Git to clone the repository (green "<>Code" button > Clone with HTTPS, SSH or GitHub CLI)
- Navigate to the project directory in your terminal: cd tokentalk-main
- Install the project dependencies: npm install
- After installing the dependencies, start the app: npm start
- Open your web browser and go to: http://localhost:3000
Explore the application in read-only mode. Key functionality is still being developed.
If you'd like to contribute to this project, feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
Let's talk BRC-20s!! Wahoo!