For a test image XXXX and object YY, which is present in that image, the evaluated method is expected to estimate the 6D pose of an instance of object YY and save the results into file XXXX_YY.yml with this format:
run_time: TIME
- {score: SCORE, R: [r11, r12, r13, r21, r22, r23, r31, r32, r33], t: [t1, t2, t3]}
where TIME is the run time (a single real number in seconds, -1 if not available), SCORE is a confidence of the estimate (the range of SCORE is not restricted), R = [r11 r12 r13; r21 r22 r23; r31 r32 r33] is a 3x3 rotation matrix saved row-wise, and t = [t1 t2 t3]' is a 3x1 translation vector (in mm). P = K * [R t] is the camera matrix that transforms 3D point p_m = [x, y, z, 1]' in the model coordinate system to 2D point p_i = [u, v, 1]' in the image coordinate system: s * p_i = P * p_m. The camera coordinate system is as defined in OpenCV with the camera looking along the Z axis. K is provided with the test images and might be different for each image.
We encourage participants to provide more estimates per file (i.e. more entries in field "ests", with one entry per line). This will allow to calculate not only the recall rate (i.e. the percentage of images for which a correct object pose is estimated), but also e.g. the precision-recall curve or the top-N recall rate (i.e. the percentage of images for which a correct object pose is among the N estimates with the highest score).
All test images are used for the evaluation, even those with multiple instances of the object of interest. Images with multiple instances are likely to be easier and the number of instances can be seen as a parameter of the image that indicates its difficulty, similarly as the level of occlusion or the amount of clutter does. The list of objects that are present in an image can be obtained from file gt.yml which is provided for each set of test images.
The files with results are expected in this structure:
METHOD is the name of your method, DATASET is the dataset name {hinterstoisser, tless, tudlight, rutgers, tejani, doumanoglou}, TESTTYPE is the type of test images (currently used only for T-LESS where the possible types are {primesense, kinect, canon} -- use primarily primesense for SIXD Challenge 2017), and ZZ, XXXX, and YY is the ID of the test scene, the test image and the object. METHOD, DATASET and TESTTYPE must not contain the underscore character "_".
Test image 0000 (let us consider the image from the Primesense sensor) of test scene #1 from the T-LESS dataset contains objects #2, #25, #29 and #30. Your method is expected to run four times on this image and save the results in files:
- your-method_tless_primesense/01/0000_02.yml
- your-method_tless_primesense/01/0000_25.yml
- your-method_tless_primesense/01/0000_29.yml
- your-method_tless_primesense/01/0000_30.yml
Example content of file 0000_25.yml:
run_time: 1.6553
- {score: 2.591, R: [0.164305, -0.116608, -0.979493, -0.881643, 0.427981, -0.198842, 0.442391, 0.896233, -0.0324873], t: [-45.7994, 75.008, 801.078]}
- {score: 3.495, R: [-0.321302, 0.937843, -0.131205, -0.926472, -0.282636, 0.248529, 0.195999, 0.201411, 0.959697], t: [-77.2591, -23.8807, 770.016]}
- {score: 0.901, R: [0.133352, -0.546655, -0.826671, 0.244205, 0.826527, -0.507166, 0.960511, -0.134245, 0.243715], t: [79.4697, -23.619, 775.376]}
- {score: 1.339, R: [-0.998023, 0.0114256, 0.061813, -1.55661e-05, -0.983388, 0.181512, 0.0628601, 0.181152, 0.981445], t: [8.9896, 75.8737, 751.272]}
- {score: 1.512, R: [0.211676, 0.12117, -0.969799, 0.120886, 0.981419, 0.149007, 0.969835, -0.148776, 0.193096], t: [7.10206, -53.5385, 784.077]}
- {score: 0.864, R: [0.0414156, -0.024525, -0.998841, 0.295721, 0.955208, -0.0111921, 0.954376, -0.294915, 0.046813], t: [40.1253, -34.8206, 775.819]}
- {score: 1.811, R: [0.0369952, -0.0230957, -0.999049, 0.304581, 0.952426, -0.0107392, 0.951768, -0.303894, 0.0422696], t: [36.5109, -27.5895, 775.758]}
- {score: 1.882, R: [0.263059, -0.946784, 0.18547, -0.00346377, -0.193166, -0.98116, 0.964774, 0.25746, -0.0540936], t: [75.3467, -28.4081, 771.788]}
- {score: 1.195, R: [-0.171041, -0.0236642, -0.98498, -0.892308, 0.427616, 0.144675, 0.41777, 0.90365, -0.0942557], t: [-69.8224, 73.1472, 800.083]}
- {score: 1.874, R: [0.180726, -0.73069, 0.658354, 0.0538221, -0.661026, -0.74843, 0.98206, 0.170694, -0.0801374], t: [19.7014, -68.7299, 781.424]}
Sample results can be downloaded from:
If you want your results to be included in a publication about the challenge, a documentation is required. It is expected in file METHOD_DATASET[_TESTTYPE]/eval_doc.txt with this format:
SIXD Challenge 2017: documentation of results
Author: ...
Method: ... (related publication)
Parameter settings: ... (values of crucial method parameters)
Implementation: ... (link to an implementation, if available)
PC tech specs: ... (for comparison of run times)
Dataset: ...
Training input:
3D model type: ... (none, default, for T-LESS: cad or reconst)
Image type: ... (none, real, rendered)
Image modalities: ... (none, RGB-D, RGB, D, grayscale)
Viewpoint sampling: ... (if extra images were rendered)
Image augmentation: ... (in-plane rotation, background, noise, etc.)
Images per object: ... (counting also the augmented images)
Object set: ... (specify the subset of objects whose training data was used;
typical is to use the training data of only the object of
interest or of all objects from the dataset)
Test input:
Image modalities: ... (RGB-D, RGB, D)
Notes: ...