This repository is no longer maintained. Please use the BOP Toolkit instead.
Python scripts to facilitate participation in the SIXD Challenge:
- conversion - Scripts used to convert the datasets from the original format to the SIXD standard format.
- doc - Documentation and conventions.
- params - Parameters (paths to datasets etc.) used by other scripts.
- pysixd - Core library that takes care of i/o operations, rendering, calculation of pose errors etc.
- tools - Scripts for evaluation, rendering of training images, visualization of 6D object poses etc.
To install the required python packages, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In the case of problems, try to run pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
Rendering is implemented using the Glumpy library and was tested with the GLFW library as the window backend. In Linux, you can install the GLFW library with:
apt-get install libglfw3
To use a different backend library, see the first lines of pysixd/
- Run your method on the SIXD datasets and prepare the results in this format.
- In params/ set common_base_path to the path of the SIXD datasets. For T-LESS, you will also need to set tless_tk_path to the path of the T-LESS Toolkit.
- Run tools/ to calculate errors of the pose estimates (fill list result_paths with paths to the results first).
- Run tools/ to calculate performance scores in the 6D localization task (fill list error_paths with paths to the calculated errors first).
Tomas Hodan
- [email protected]
- Center for Machine Perception, Czech Technical University in Prague