This repository provide a minimal implementation of the paper Noisy Networks for Exploration using Pytorch. Integration examples of this network on reinforcement learning algorithms/tasks are avalaible on my reinforcement-learning github repository.
Noisy layers are similar linear layers, except that a noise that can be tuned during the training (sigma) is added.
import torch.nn as nn
class DQN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_features, output_features, hidden_units):
self.fc_1 = nn.Linear(input_features, hidden_units)
self.fc_2 = nn.Linear(hidden_units, output_features)
def forward(self, x):
x = F.relu(self.fc_1(x))
return self.fc_2(x)
import torch.nn as nn
from noisynetworks import FactorisedNoisyLayer
class DQN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_features, output_features, hidden_units):
self.noisy_layer_1 = FactorisedNoisyLayer(input_features, hidden_units)
self.noisy_layer_2 = FactorisedNoisyLayer(hidden_units, output_features)
def forward(self, x):
x = F.relu(self.noisy_layer_1(x))
return self.noisy_layer_2(x)
For replay function that works with batch, the rest of the code is almost unchanged, since by default, everytime the forward loop is called the noise will change. The other exploration techniques such as epsilon-greedy can be removed.
is indispensable when using tensor as custom parameter, otherwise, the optimizer will not know that they exist.
in the initialization allows to link those parameters to the layer, without setting them as trainable.
F.linear(x, weight=self.mu_weight, bias=self.mu_bias)
allows to elegantly do the linear computation.
torch.ger(a, b)
allows to elegantly create a 2D tensor with two 1D tensors.
tensor.uniform_(a, b)
allows to fill a tensor with an uniform distribution bounded by a and b.
allows to fill a tensor with x.
Adding the data
in the lines such as
allows to not have in place modification errors.
In the forward loop, there is the possibility to either manually sample the noise by setting sample_noise
to False
if sample_noise:
When the
is set to False
, it is possible to do a forward pass without the noise:
if not
return F.linear(x, weight=self.mu_weight, bias=self.mu_bias)
In the case of the Independent version, be careful to not input a tuple into the torch.FloatTensor(features)
, otherwise it will create a tensor with those values. Instead, it is possible to unpack them torch.FloatTensor(*features)
Direct Installation from github using pip by running this command:
pip install git+
title={Noisy Networks for Exploration},
author={Meire Fortunato and Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar and Bilal Piot and Jacob Menick and Ian Osband and Alex Graves
and Vlad Mnih and Remi Munos and Demis Hassabis and Olivier Pietquin and Charles Blundell and Shane Legg},