A tracking algorithm of given IDs with relaxation factor to adjust the searching range. The algorithm is used to calculate the end-to-end distance of 2 IDs after neural networks are applied in a raw video and a txt file (coordinates) is produced.
Author: Thomas Nevolianis
For help run: tracking_filter.py --h
usage: tracking_filter.py [-h] [--relax_factor RELAX_FACTOR]
txt_file original_video ID
This script is a tracking algorithm to filter the undesirable data and take
into consideration only the necessary ones.
positional arguments:
txt_file path of the txt file in x, y, width, height
original_video path of the original video file
ID an ID
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--relax_factor RELAX_FACTOR
give a relaxation factor