These playbooks are run on a controller node to install k8s on a baremetal/VM cluster based on this post After initialized with playbook, all hosts will have admin user and PK authentication.
hosts: user: admin nopw
Change permission for key fiels in the keys folder. chmod 700 .ssh chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys chmod 600 keys/id*
These playbooks are applied to Ubuntu 20.04 baremetals or VMs.
Default host group is k8s-all. Set the --extra-vars "variable_hosts=newtargets" in ansible-playbook command to override it.
Update masters and workers nodes IP, root password in inventory file ./ansible/hosts.
Make sure br_netfilter kernel module is loaded. Auto loaded in playbook.
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/k8s.conf
Run playbook for user and keys:
ansible-playbook --extra-vars "variable_hosts=k8s-all" ./playbooks/0_setup_baremetal.yml
Set hostname
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname host_name sudo vim /etc/hosts
Disable UFW, Ubuntu firewall
systemctl stop ufw systemctl disable ufw
Optional: Firewall rules. Run, check default net dev
ansible-playbook --extra-vars "variable_hosts=k8s-all" ./playbooks/1_1_setup_container.yml
ansible-playbook --extra-vars "variable_hosts=k8s-all" ./playbooks/1_2_kube_dependencies.yml
ansible-playbook --extra-vars "variable_hosts=k8s-all" ./playbooks/2_master.yml
ansible-playbook --extra-vars "variable_hosts=k8s-all" ./playbooks/3_workers.yml
ssh admin@master -i ../keys/id_rsa
kubectl get nodes -o wide
Rerun the playbook from tasks: use --start-at-task "name_string" to skip the preceeding tasks.
20220523: installed k8s using playbooks.