Build xml / html / svg programmatically by chaining structs together or by closures. Instead of using a templating engine, write data/markup that 'looks like' rust. User has control over formatting via the inline()
You can find tagu on github and Documentation at
use tagu::build;
use tagu::prelude::*;
fn main() -> std::fmt::Result {
let a = build::elem("a");
let b = build::elem("b");
let c = build::elem("c");
let it = build::from_iter((0..5).map(|i| build::elem(format_move!("x{}", i)).inline()));
let all = a.append(b.append(c.append(it)));
tagu::render(all, tagu::stdout_fmt())
use tagu::build;
use tagu::prelude::*;
fn main() -> std::fmt::Result {
let all = build::from_stack(|stack| {
let a = build::elem("a");
let b = build::elem("b");
let c = build::elem("c").with_tab("→");
let mut stack = stack.push(a)?.push(b)?.push(c)?;
for i in 0..5 {
let e = build::elem(format_move!("x{}", i)).inline();
tagu::render(all.with_tab(" "), tagu::stdout_fmt())
use tagu::build;
use tagu::prelude::*;
fn main() -> std::fmt::Result {
let all = build::elem("a").append_with(|| {
build::elem("b").append_with(|| {
let it =
build::from_iter((0..5).map(|i| build::elem(format_move!("x{}", i)).inline()));
build::elem("c").append_with(|| it)
build::elem("bbbb").append_with(|| {
tagu::util::comment("this is comment"),
build::single("k").with(("apple", 5))
tagu::render(all, tagu::stdout_fmt())
<!--this is comment-->
<k apple="5"/>
use tagu::build;
use tagu::prelude::*;
fn main() -> std::fmt::Result {
let width = 100.0;
let height = 100.0;
let rect = build::single("rect").with(attrs!(
("x1", 0),
("y1", 0),
("rx", 20),
("ry", 20),
("width", width),
("height", height),
("style", "fill:blue")
let style = build::elem("style")
let svg = build::elem("svg").with(attrs!(
("xmlns", ""),
("viewBox", format_move!("0 0 {} {}", width, height))
let rows = build::from_stack(|mut f| {
for r in (0..50).step_by(5) {
if r % 10 == 0 {
let c = build::single("circle").with(attrs!(("cx", 50.0), ("cy", 50.0), ("r", r)));
} else {
let r = build::single("rect").with(attrs!(
("x", 50 - r),
("y", 50 - r),
("width", r * 2),
("height", r * 2)
let table = build::elem("g").with(("class", "test")).append(rows);
let all = svg.append(style).append(rect).append(table);
tagu::render(all, tagu::stdout_fmt())
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<rect x1="0" y1="0" rx="20" ry="20" width="100" height="100" style="fill:blue"/>
<g class="test">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="0"/>
<rect x="45" y="45" width="10" height="10"/>
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="10"/>
<rect x="35" y="35" width="30" height="30"/>
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="20"/>
<rect x="25" y="25" width="50" height="50"/>
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="30"/>
<rect x="15" y="15" width="70" height="70"/>
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40"/>
<rect x="5" y="5" width="90" height="90"/>
See other example outputs at
You can append elements via building of long adaptor chains, or you can render elements to a writer on the fly. With chaining, you don't have to worry about handling errors because nothing actually gets written out as you're chaining. However, you do tend to have to build things 'upside down'. You have to build the elements thats are the most nested first, and then you can append that to bigger and bigger elements. With rendering on the fly, yeah you have to handle errors, but the order in which elements are handled matches how they are rendered. You can mix and match because you can make elements from closures and then chain those elements together.
By default tags insertion newlines and tabs. If you call inline()
on an element, all elements
within it will be inlined.
Attributes are fed through a escape protectors. Tag names are fed through escape protectors.
User can bypass this using the raw_escpapable()
or from_stack_escapable()
functions. This returns the only element type that doesnt implement elem::Locked
requires that the chained together element implements Locked
. If the user chains in a raw element, the whole
chain will not implement Locked
. Instead the user would have to use render_escapable()
. The element chaining system works by having each element implement a render_head()
, and a render_tail()
I left the tagger crate alone and made this into a brand new crate because while it does have all the functionality of tagger, it is more complicated. Some people might just like the simplicity of tagger. However, I recommend people choose tagu over tagger, because I think its a lot more flexible. The ability to pass around element chains like structs is really useful in my experience.